Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kumamoto University | 論文
- Autolysis in Exponential-phase Cells of Escherichia coil
- The Effect of Thyroxine upon the Sex Differentiation of Thyroidectomized Frog Tadpoles
- Oscillations of Membrane Potential and Membrane Resistance during the Cell Cycle in the Newt Egg Macromeres : Physiology
- Structure and Dynamics of Natural Populations of Polyploid Trilliums. V. Predominant Self-pollination in Trillium apetalon-T. smallii Association
- View-based Human Motion Recognition in the Presence of Outliers
- Four-year Water Degradation of Total-etch Adhesives Bonded to Dentin
- Immunoelectron Microscopic Identification of Lysozyme-Expressing Cells in Human Labial Salivary Glands
- Cytochemical Localization of NAD (P) H Oxidase in the Myoepithelial Cells of Salivary and Other Exocrine Glands
- Peroxidase Isozyme Polymorphism in the Southmost Populations of Convallaria keiskei Miquel.
- A case of cyclopia associated with congenital heart disease : ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PRESENTED at the TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING of the JAPANESE TERATOLOGY SOCIETY TOKYO, JAPAN, JULY 17-18, 1987
- Effects of Glyphosate on the Shikimate Pathway and Regulation of Phenylalanine Ammonia-lyase in Cryptomeria and Perilla Cell Suspension Cultues
- Augmentation and Suppression of the Excitatory and Inhibitory Neuromuscular Transmission Induced by the Ionophores, X-537A and A23187, in the Red Muscle of Carp, Cyprinus carpio
- Lectin-binding sites in the rough endo pladmic reticulum of submandibular gland
- Cytochemical Investigation of Hydrogen Peroxide Producing Oxidases in the Mongolian gerbil Salivaly Glands
- Histopathological changes of embryonic chick heart in teratologic experiment by trichloroethylene : Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Thirty-First Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society Izumo, Japan, July 11-12, 1991
- Synthesis of Novel Poly(tetramethyl-2,7-silpyrenylenesiloxane) and Its Thermal and Optical Properties
- Myelinated Bodies Found in the Cells of Y Gland and Kidney of Procambarus clarki, and in the Thyroid Grand of Rana catesbeiana
- Effects of Glyphosate on Caffeic Acid Metabolism in Perilla Cell Suspension Cultures
- 複2倍体ツルボにおけるDifferential amphiplastyを被っていたSAT染色体a2の回復〔英文〕
- On the Ultrastucture of the Antennal Gland Epithelium of the Crayfish, Procambarus clarkii