Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Kumamoto University | 論文
- Changes of Y Gland Cell Structure of the Crayfish, Procambarus clarkii, During the Molt Cycle and in Some Experimental Conditions
- Ionic Communication between Isolated Blastomere Cells via Nuclepore Filter Membrane(短報)
- Effects of Metabolic Inhibitors on the Formation of a Permeable Cell MembraneJunction
- On Anthocyanin Crystals Isolated from Stamina of Tulip-frowers (Cultivar "Red Emperor")
- On Anthocyanin Found in the Flower of Larkspur
- Chemical Structure of Anthocyanin Crystals Obtained from the Drupes of Cinnamomum Spp
- The Relationship Between Eyestalk Hormones and the Ultrastructure of the Hepatopancreas Cells in the Crayfish, Procambarus clarkii
- Ultrasonic measurement of the embryonic heart in teratogenic experiments : The 35th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society
- Comparison of cardiac teratogenesis of dichloroethylene (DCE) in embryonic chick heart with that of trichloroethylene (TCE ) : Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Thirty-Fourth Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society Kochi, Japan July14-16, 199
- Real time changes of images observed in cardiac teratogenic experiment using trichloroethylene by ultrafine flexible endoscope : Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Thirty-Third Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society Nagoya, Japan, July 21-23,
- Fiberoptic endoscopy applied to teratogenic experiment of cardiovascular system in embryonic chick: Part 1 : Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Thirty-Second Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society Tokyo, Japan, July 8-10, 1992
- Effects of trichloroethlene on embryonic chick heart : Abstracts of Papers Presented at the Thirtieth Annual Meeting of the Japanese Teratology Society Miyazaki, Japan, July 12-13, 1990
- Hemodynamic evaluation of antipsychotic and anticonvulsant drugs in the chick embryo using Laserflo BPM 403 : ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS PRESENTED at the TWENTY-SEVENTH ANNUAL MEETING of the JAPANESE TERATOLOGY SOCIETY TOKYO, JAPAN, JULY 17-18, 1987
- Anthocyanins in the Flowers of Japanese Garden Iris Belonging to 'Higo' Line
- Electron Microscopy of the Hepatopancreas in the Crayfish, Procambarus clarkii
- PERFECT V-A : Fortran Programs to Compute Various Properties of the Triton Wave Function Using the RSC5 Potential(Annual Report)
- The Angular Distribution of Protons from the C^(d, p)C^ Reactions
- Studies on the Cytoplasmic Globules in the Nerve Cells of the Crabs, Gaetice depressus and Potamon dehaani : II. Observations by Conventional, Phasecontrast and Electron Microscopes
- Effects of Positive Pressure in Odontogenic Keratocysts
- Physiological Studies on Seed Germination : III. Germination Inhibition by 8-Hydroxyquinoline and its Prevention with Metal Ions (Preliminary Report)