Department of Applied Science Faculty of Engineering Tohoku University | 論文
- Spin-3/2 Ising Model and Ashkin-Teller Model
- Quasi-Particle Band Structure and Gapless Soperconductivity in the Vortex-Lattice State
- Conductance Fluctuations in a Superconductor-Dirty Normal Conductor-Superconductor Junction : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Numerical Study on Josephson-Current Fluctuations in a Dirty SNS Junction : The Effect of Incomplete Andreev Reflection
- Fluctuations of the DC Josephson Current in a Superconductor-Normal Conductor-Superconductor Junction
- Quasiparticle Transport at the Interface between the Normal Conductor and the d-Wave Superconductor
- Conductance of Normal-Superconductor Contacts Due to the Andreev Reflection
- Long-Distance Behaviors of the Pair Distribution Function of Degenerate and Non-Degenerate Bose Fluids
- Dynamical Neural Network Model of Hippocampus with Excitatory and Inhibitory Neurons (Cross-disciplinary Physics and Related Areas of Science and Technology)
- Cell Surface-Associated Enolase in Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans
- Noise Effect on Memory Recall in Dynamical Neural Network Model of Hippocampus
- Low Energy Limits of Photon-Nucleon and Pion-Nucleon Collisions
- On the Unification of Hadronic and Leptonic Weak Interactions
- A Model of Superconductors on a Lattice
- Coherent-Anomaly Analysis with Cluster Variation Method for Two-Dimensional Ising Model with Nearest-Neighbor and Next-Nearest-Neighbor Interactions
- Low-Temperature Behavior of Antiferromagnetic Ising Model on Triangular Lattice
- Coherent-Anomaly Analysis with Cluster Variation Method for Spin-Pair Correlation Function of Ising Model on Square Lattice
- Coherent-Anomaly Method for the Wave-Number Dependence of the Susceptibility
- Correlation Functions of a One-Dimensional Lattice Gas with Nearest-Neighbor and Next-Nearest-Neighbor Interactions : Condensed Matter and Statistical Physics
- Correlation Functions of a One-Dimensional Lattice Gas with Interactions Up to Third-Nearest Neighbors