Department of Applied Physics Tokyo Institute of Technology | 論文
- Derivations in C$^\ast $-Algebras Commuting with Compact Actions
- Similar functional outcomes after partial nephrectomy for clinical T1b and T1a renal cell carcinoma
- Dielectric Properties of NiO : Interfacial Polarization Effect
- Standard redox potentials of R-/R+ reference redox couples and solvent activity coefficients.
- Continuous Administration of Nicorandil Decreases QT Dispersion During the Chronic Phase of Acute Myocardial Infarction
- Fractional Quantized Vortices as Direct Evidence of d_ -Wave Pairing Symmetry up to Critical Temperature in High-T_c Cuprate Superconductors
- Relationship between Intracellular Free Ca2+, Mg2+ and Blood Pressure in Prehypertensive and Hypertensive SHRSP and age-mutched WKY
- A method for preparing a large sized, uniform and stable built-up film of 109Cd icosanoate as a radioactive source by utilization of an extremely small amount of substrate solution.
- Electron Energy Loss Spectrum in Adsorbed Residual Gas on Cooled Arachidic Acid Langmuir-Blodgett Film and Its Adsorbed Gas Amount
- A Study on Diffusion Pump Oil by the Mass Spectrometer and the Gas Analysis of the Final Vacuum
- Salt Feeding in Pregnant SHRSP
- Tetrahertz Pulse Radiation Properties of a Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ Bowtie Antenna by Optical Pulse Illumination
- Berry Phase for Evolution of Spinning Particle along Geodesic Arcs on a Sphere of Directions
- Activation Energies for Electrode Reaction of Metal Hydride in Alkaline Aqueous Solution
- High Frequency Conductivity of $\alpha$-In2Se3
- Berry Phase for Evolution of Spinning Particle along Geodesic Arcs on a Sphere of Directions
- Halogenation using quaternary ammonium polyhalides. xi. Bromination of acetanilides by use of tetraalkylammonium polyhalides.
- Erratum: ``Three-Dimensional Dune Skeleton Model as a Coupled Dynamical System of Two-Dimensional Cross Sections''
- Stroke Prevention by Dietary Protein, Calcium (Ca) and Magnesium (Mg) Supplementation in Salt-Loaded Stroke-Prone SHR (SHRSP)