Department of Applied Physics Tokyo Institute of Technology | 論文
- Postoperative renal function after partial nephrectomy for renal cell carcinoma in patients with pre-existing chronic kidney disease : A comparison with radical nephrectomy
- Ultrasound-Mediated Gene Transfection In vitro: Enhanced Efficiency by Complexation of Plasmid DNA
- Augmentation index is related to white matter lesions
- Predictors for postoperative renal function after open partial, nephrectomy : Including postoperative biomarkers
- Totally laparoscopic stapled distal pancreatectomy
- Cytoreductive nephrectomy for pT3b-T4 M1 renal cell carcinoma in 39 patients : Single center analysis
- Spin Depolarization of a Quantum Particle;Fermionic Path Integral Approach
- Thermal evolution of icy planetesimals in the solar nebula
- Dynamics of Granular Matter
- Reliable Determination of the Liquid-Vapor Critical Point by the NVT Plus Test Particle Method
- Investigation of Terahertz Emission Phenomena of High-$T_{\text{c}}$ Superconductors
- Diamagnetic Precursor State in High-T_c Oxide Superconductors near Optimal Doping Using Scanning Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Microscopy
- Nanometer-Scale Manipulation and Ultrasonic Cutting Using an Atomic Force Microscope Controlled by a Haptic Device as a Human Interface
- Magnetooptic Spatial Light Modulator Array Fabricated by IR Annealing
- Reinvestigation of the Decay of 2.2 Hour 138Pr
- Statistical Mechanics of Population : The Lattice Lotka-Volterra Model : Invited Papers
- High Frequency Conductivity of NiO
- Three-Dimensional Dune Skeleton Model as a Coupled Dynamical System of Two-Dimensional Cross Sections
- Proton NMR Study of Atacamite Cu
- Columnar Grain Structure in Cobalt Films Evaporated Obliquely at Low Substrate Temperatures