Department of Animal Reproduction National Institute of Animal Industry | 論文
- 卵巣の保存がウシ顕微授精胚, 単為発生胚および体細胞核移植胚の発生能に及ぼす影響
- 発情周期と妊娠初期におけるブタ子宮筋層のオキシトシンレセプター
- Renewal of techniques related to embryo transfer in cattle : a novel superovulation method using aluminum hydroxide gel
- Upregulation of P-Glycoprotein Activity in Porcine Oocytes and Granulosa Cells During In Vitro Maturation
- ウシ胚のDNA合成に及ぼすβ-メルカプトエタノールの効果
- Nuclear and Cytoplasmic Maturation In Vitro of Porcine Oocytes
- Chicken Dead End Homologue Protein is a Nucleoprotein of Germ Cells Including Primordial Germ Cells
- Expression of Hedgehog Family Genes in the Rat Uterus During Early Pregnancy
- Anti-Calreticulin Antibodies in Patients with Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- 牛の発情の見つけ方と種つけの適期
- Progesterone測定用市販キットの特性について (家畜繁殖領域におけるEIAとその応用) -- (EIAの開発と応用)
- Activation of protein kinase C induces cortical granule exocytosis in a Ca^-independent manner, but not the resumption of cell cycle in porcine eggs
- Progesterone Concentration throughout Gestation in Cows with Singleton and Twin Pregnancies
- Development of the competence of bovine oocytes to release cortical granules and block polyspermy after meiotic maturation
- The Birth of Piglets from Embryos Cultured for 3 to 5 Days in a Simple Salt Solution Lacking Glucose
- Evidence of Platelet Activation Associated with Establishment of Pregnancy in Cows with Transferred Embryos
- Effect of Administration with Low-dose FSH to Recipient Cows on Embryonic Survival after Bilateral Nonsurgical Embryo Transfer
- Dietary Administration of Fatty Acids-Enriched Mold Dried Cell Containing γ-Linolenic Acid to Female Pigs Improves Ovulation Rate and Embryo Quality in Summer
- Lectin-Binding Characteristics of Extracts from Epididymal Boar Spermatozoa
- Two Patients with Highly Drug-Resistant Choriocarcinoma Managed by Multidisciplinary Therapeutic Modalities