Department of Anatomy, Tsurumi University School of Dental Medicine | 論文
- Evaluation of risk factors for dental caries from 6 to 8 years old children
- A randomized controlled trial by the 3DS for dental caries
- Fluoride-containing toothpastes available in two European countries
- Preliminary study of the short tandem repeat region of human growth hormone gone in Japanese
- Fluoride-containing mouthrinses in three European countries
- Correlation of cariogenic bacteria and dental caries in adults
- Application of Thermography in Dentistry : Visualization of Temperature Distribution on Oral Tissues
- Effectiveness of a radiology-anatomy instructional module in a clinical course on oral radiology
- 21. Influence of xylitol solution on morphological feature of hydroxyapatites-2nd report-(8th Annual Meeting of the Society of Hard Tissue Biology July 24, 1999 in Asahikawa)
- 18. Influence of xylitol solution on morphological feature of hydroxyapatites.
- Anatomical variations in the tendon sheath of the first compartment
- On the Adsorption Mode of Tetracycline in Hard Tissue
- Alkaline Phosphatase activity revealed by undecalcified frozen sections of the periodontal ligament of rat molars during tooth movement
- Degradation of Collagen in the Developing Enameloid of Sea Bream
- A Volume Evaluation of Dental Caries in a Mouse with the Use of the Micro-CT Scan
- Observation of Fluorine Invasion Condition in White Spots of Human Enamel Treated with Fluoride
- Inconsistency of the maxilla and mandible in the Minatogawa Man No. 1 hominid fossil evaluated from dental occlusion