Department Of Zootechnical Sciences Faculty Of Agriculture Tokyo University Of Agriculture | 論文
- 飼育下のニホンヤマネGlirulus japonicusで見られる脱毛現象
- ミラルディア(Millardia meltada)における寄生虫特異抗体測定のためのELISA法(短報)
- 日本産野生マウスに由来する独自の近交系統MSM/Ms
- P-146 Y染色体の蟄居仮説 : 核型XOの2種の琉球トゲネズミに見られるY連関遺伝子のX染色体への部分転座ならびに一般的なY染色体矮小化に伴うY連関遺伝子の末端局在からの類推(ポスターセッション)
- 中国北西部のダニと齧歯類保有ライム病ボレリア(発表論文抄録(2002))
- Nippostrongylus brasiliensisに対するコットンラット(Sigmodon hispidus)の感染抵抗性
- 下顎骨に見られるタヌキNyctereutes procyonoidesの地理的変異--多変量解析による分析の試み
- 北海道小樽港で発見されたオセアニア型クマネズミ
- A novel family of repetitive DNA sequences amplified site-specifically on the W chromosomes in Neognathous birds.
- O-16. Molecular cytogenetic analysis of site-specific highly repetitive DNA sequences in the subfamily Cricetinae(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations, Abstracts of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- O-08. Molecular characterization and chromosomal distribution of site-specific highly repetitive DNA sequences isolated from Syrian hamster (Mesocricetus auratus)(Abstracts of the oral and poster presentations)(The 53rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Ch
- 実験動物の肝ミクロソームにおけるアセトヘキサミド還元酵素と20β-ヒドロキシステロイド脱水素酵素活性の系統差,性差及び種差
- Molecular phylogeny of Japanese Rhinolophidae based on variations in the complete sequence of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene
- Risk of accidental invasion and expansion of allochthonous mice in Tokyo metropolitan coastal areas in Japan
- Phylogeographic origin of Hokkaido house mice (Mus musculus) as indicated by maternal, paternal and biparental inheritance molecules
- 日本産マウス(M.m.molossinus)とロシア産マウス(M.m.musculus)におけるrRNA遺伝子座の同定(解剖学)
- P21 オオキヌゲネズミ Tscherskia triton の肝蛭感受性
- Geographical Variations in Chromosomes of the Greater Japanese Shrew-Mole, Urotrichus talpoides (Mammalia : Insectivora)(Animal Diversity and Evolution)
- Patterns of distribution of Ag-NORs in the genus Apodemus and their evolutionary implications
- Molecular phylogeny of Crocidura shrews in northeastern Asia: A special reference to specimens on Cheju Island, South Korea