Department Of Plant Resources Faculty Of Agriculture Kyushu University | 論文
- Nutrient starvation differentially regulates the autophagy-related gene GmATG8i in soybean seedlings
- Development of an Intelligent Robot for an Agricultural Production Ecosystem : New Concept of Robot and Dynamics of a Golden Apple Snail in Paddy
- Contribution of Soil Components to Adsorption of Heavy Metals in Alluvial Soils and Grey Degraded Soils from Hanoi, Vietnam
- Incorporation of a DNA Sequence Encoding Green Fluorescent Protein (GFP) into Endophytic Diazotroph from Sugarcane and Sweet Potato and the Colonizing Ability of these Bacteria in Brassica oleracea
- Mineralogy of Soils from Different Agraecological Regions of Bangladesh : Region 25 - Level Barind Tract and Region 27 - Noth-eastern Barind Tract
- Mineralogy of Soils from Different Agroecological Regions of Bangladesh : Region 2 - Active tista Floodplain, Region 4 - Karatoya - Bangali Floodplain and Region 7 - Active Brahmaputra - Jamuna Floodplain
- Local Market Research on Vegetable in Jessore of the High Ganges River Floodplain, Bangladesh
- Some Chemical Properties of Soils from Two Agroecological Regions of Bangladesh : Region 5 : Lower Atrai Basin and Region 6 : Lower Purnabhaba Floodplain
- カンキツ果実の生長と成熟時における化学成分変化に関する研究(2) : "大三島ネーブル"と"ハッサク"
- カンキツ果実の生長と成熟時における化学成分変化に関する研究(1) : "宮川早生 "と"宮内伊予柑"
- ニホンスモモにおける種子数と胚の発育程度の品種間差及びそれらと果実肥大の関係
- Comparison of Photosynthetic Response of Two Soybean Cultivars to Soil Flooding
- Application of Plant Growth Regulators on the Parthenocarpic Fruit Development in Teasle Gourd (Kakrol, Momordica dioica Roxb.)
- Cultivar and Seasonal Differences in the Response of Non Pre-cooled Tulip Bulbs to Gibberellin, TIBA and Root Excision
- キウイフル-ツ(Actinidia chinensis Planch.)の有核果及びホルモンで誘起した無核果の生育
- 3倍体無核ブドウの育種 (1) : 2倍体品種と4倍体品種の正逆交配
- Prunus 属植物のアイソザイム分析モモ,スモモ及び近縁種(予報)
- モモとスモモの正逆交雑親和性
- COL7A1 mutation G2037E causes epidermal retention of type VII collagen
- 子葉形態異常を示す'巨峰'自家交配実生に現れる低稔性個体