Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science University Of Kyoto | 論文
- Satellite Generation of Electron Plasma Waves from Low Frequency Oscillations in Plasmas
- The Efficiency of the G-M Counter.
- Effect of Transverse Magnetic Field on the Flow due to an Oscillating Flat Plate
- Measuring Apparatus for Submillimeter Wave Scattering from Plasma Density Fluctuations
- Excitation and Stabilization of Collisional Drift Instability by Electron Density Modulation. I
- Thickness Anomalies in Supported Polystyrene Films with Thicknesses Comparable to the Radius of Gyration
- Broadening, no broadening and narrowing of glass transition of supported polystyrene ultrathin films emerging under ultraslow temperature variations
- Non-Linear Hydromagnetic Waves Propagating along a Magnetic Field in a Cold Collision-Free Plasma
- Reductive Perturbation Method in Nonlinear Wave Propagation : II. Application to Hydromagnetic Waves in Cold Plasma
- Measurement of Free Induction Decay Time and Spin-Lattice Relaxation Time of Bromine Nucleus in Sodium Bromate
- The Multipolarity of γ-ray Absorption in ^C(γ, 3α) Reaction produced by (Li, p)γ-rays
- Generation of Harmonics of the Plasma Waves Excited near Electron Cyclotron Harmonics
- On the Lattice Anomaly of Bismuth Film deposited from its Vapour
- Excitation and Stabilization of Collisional Drift Instability by Electron Density Modulation. II
- Amorphous Region in Oriented Polyoxymethylene
- Hydromagnetic Stability of Free Flows at Large Reynolds Numbers. : II. Two-Dimensional Jet
- Note on Discrepancies between Two Theories on the Stability of Plane Poiseuille Flow
- Weak Nonlinear Magneto-Acoustic Waves in an Inhomogeneous Plasma
- The Damping of the Large Wave-Number Disturbances in a Free Boundary Layer Flow
- C^(n,n')3α Reaction induced by 14.8MeV Neutrons