Measuring Apparatus for Submillimeter Wave Scattering from Plasma Density Fluctuations
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A submillimeter wave-scattering apparatus for studying plasma waves was constructed and used to measure low-frequency fluctuations in tokamak plasmas. An HCN laser (λ=337 μm) and a Schottky barrier diode mixer were developed for use in the scattering apparatus. To calibrate the apparatus, a plastic TPX was used, and it proved to be very useful as a plasma simulator. In this paper, we describe the scattering apparatus and the plasma simulator and give experimental results obtained with the apparatus in the WT-2 tokamak plasma.
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 1982-07-20
Hamada Yasuji
Institute Of Plasma Physics Nagoya University
Department of Physics,The University of Tsukuba
Tanaka Shigetoshi
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science Kyoto University
Saito Teruo
Department Of Physics The University Of Tsukuba
Hamada Yasuji
Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science University Of Kyoto
Tanaka Shigetoshi
Department of Physics, Faculty of Science Kyoto University
- Electron Temperature Measurement in J.I.P.P.T-II Device
- Plasma Current Sustainment and Ramp-Up by Electron Cyclotron Waves in the WT-2 Tokamak
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- Current Sustainment by lower Hybrid Waves in the WT-2 Tokamak
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- Electron Cyclotron Resonance-Preionization in the WT-1 Tokamak
- Toroidal Current Drive by Lower Hybrid Wave in WT-2 Tokamak
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- Electron Cyclotron Emission from Lower Hybrid Current Drive Plasma on the WT-3 Tokamak
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- Spatial Damping of Whistler Waves in Plasmas
- Preliminary Experiment on Electron Beam Injection for Tokamak Current Drive
- Spatial Cyclotron Damping of Whistler Waves in Plasmas. II
- Physical Interpretation of Current Start-Up by rf in WT-2 Tokamak
- Transport Code Study of Electron Cyclotron Heating in Tokamaks
- Nonlinear Interaction of Bernstein Waves in a Beam-Plasma System
- Instability near electron cyclotron harmonic frequencies in beam-plasma system〔英文〕
- Observation of a Turbulence-Like Spectrum in a Beam-Plasma System
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- Negative Absorption at Harmonics of the Electron Cyclotron Frequency in Weakly Ionized Plasma
- Numerical Studies of Wave Trajectories and Electron Cyclotron Heating in Toroidal Plasmas
- Tokamak Experiment in SPAC-II
- Experimental Studies of Density Fluctuations in WT Tokamak by SMM Wave Scattering
- Anomalous Microwave Radiation at Cyclotron Resonance in Partially Ionized Plasmas
- Experiments on Negative Radiation Temperature at Cyclotron Resonance in Cold Plasmas
- Electron Cyclotron Emission Measured in Lower Hybrid Current Drive Plasma on WT-3 Tokamak
- Electron Acceleration by Local Electron Cyclotron Resonance
- Acceleration of Electrons at the Electron Cyclotron Resonance
- Helically Symmetric Equilibrium of Current-Carrying Finite Beta Plasma
- Dispersion of Electrostatic Ion Cyclotron Wave
- Parametric Excitation of Bernstein Waves in Plasmas
- Ion Cyclotron Drift Instability Driven by Cross-Field Electron Current and Plasma Heating
- Lower Hybrid Drift Instability Driven by Cross-Field Electron Current and Ion Heating
- The Optical Measurement of the Fluctuation Level in a Turbulent Plasma
- Lower Hybrid Two Stream Instability in Quasi-Neutral Electron Beam
- Satellite Generation of Electron Plasma Waves from Low Frequency Oscillations in Plasmas
- Measuring Apparatus for Submillimeter Wave Scattering from Plasma Density Fluctuations
- Excitation and Stabilization of Collisional Drift Instability by Electron Density Modulation. I
- Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interaction in a Weak Cold Beam-Plasma System
- Generation of Harmonics of the Plasma Waves Excited near Electron Cyclotron Harmonics
- Experimental Study on the Deposition Profile of the ICRF Power and Electron Thermal Diffusivity
- Absorption and Reflection Spectra of Afterglow Plasma
- Numerical Study of Propagation and Damping of Lower Hybrid Wave in Tokamak Plasmas