Department Of Physics Faculty Of Science | 論文
- Effect of Temperature on the Hall Coefficient of Indium and Indium-Rich Solid Solutions
- Electronic Structure of Alkali Metals. I. : Fermi Surfaces of Sodium and Potassium
- Vacuolar SNAREs Function in the Formation of the Leaf Vascular Network by Regulating Auxin Distribution
- Ultrasonic Attenuation in Liquid 3^He-4^He Solutions : Physical Acoustics
- Tuneling of the Dislocations in Bcc ^3He Crystals
- Temperature Dependence of The Sound Velocity in bcc ^3He Crystals
- Study on the electronic state of rare earth pnictides which show the charge-ordering(Abstracts of Doctoral Dissertations,Annual Report(from April 2002 to March 2003))
- Acceleration of Electrons at the Electron Cyclotron Resonance
- Nonlinear Realization of Conformal Symmetry
- Vacancies in bcc ^3He : I. QUANTUM LIQUIDS AND SOLIDS : Quantum Solids and Nuclear Magnetism
- Photoproduction of Eta Mesons in the Veneziano Model
- Comments on the Electromagnetic Form Factors and Mass Differences
- Antiferromagnetic Nuclear Resonance and Nuclear Quadrupole Resonance of Cu in Pb_2Sr_2RECu_3O_(RE=Y,Eu and Gd)
- Semiconducting Properties of Natural Pyrite Crystals
- Plastic Flow in bcc ^3He
- Effect of Dislocations on the Thermal Conductivity of LiF
- Dissociation of an Edge Dislocation in Sodium Chloride with High Density of Dislocation
- Plastic Deformation on the Facture Surfaces of Germanium Crystals Cloven at Room Temperature
- A Mechanism of Formation of Dislocation Dipoles in Face-Centered Cubic Crystals
- Phonon Scattering by Lattice Defects in Deformed Bismuth Crystals