Department Of Ophthalmology Nagoya University School Of Medicine | 論文
- Molecular cloning of a novel human gene (SIRP-B2) which encodes a new member of the SIRP/SHPS-1 protein family
- Prevalence of Normal-Tension Glaucoma and Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma in Patients With Collagen Diseases
- Combined Effect of Extracellular Matrices and Growth Factors on Bovine Corneal Endothelial Cells in Culture
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Extraocular Muscle Path Before and After Strabismus Surgery for a Large Degree of Cyclotorsion Induced by Macular Translocation Surgery
- Voluntary Nystagmus Associated With Accommodation Spasms
- Confocal Imaging of Megamitochondria Formation Induced by Ethanol and Hydrazine in Culture Cells(RL-34)
- Structural change of bovine retinal cGMP phosphodiesterase by release of its γ subunit : direct imaging by improved low angle rotary shadowing
- Reduced and Elevated Palmitic Acid Mutants in Soybean Developed by X-Ray Irradia-tion
- High Stearic Acid Soybean Mutant Induced by X-ray Irradiation
- High Oleic Acid Mutant in Soybean Induced by X-Ray Irradiation
- ダイズの低リノレン酸突然変異体M-5のリノレン含量の遺伝
- High Prevalence of Myopia in Japanese Patients with Multiple Evanescent White Dot Syndrome
- S- and M-cone electroretinograms in rd7 mice with NR2E3 gene mutation
- Selective dysfunction of On- and/or Off-bipolar cell in human diseases
- Amplitude Decrease of Photopic ERG b-Wave at Higher Stimulus Intensities in Humans
- Focal Macular Electroretinography
- Effect of Age On Short-Wavelength Sensitive Cone Electroretinogram and Long- and Middle-Wavelength Sensitive Cone Electroretinogram
- Body Sway Induced by Depth Linear Vection in Reference to Central and Peripheral Visual Field
- Postural Adjustment Response to Depth Direction Moving Patterns Produced by Virtual Reality Graphics