Department Of Metallurgy Tohoku University | 論文
- Surface Hardening Treatment for Titanium Materials Using Ar-5%CO Gas in Combination with Post Heat Treatment under Vacuum
- Boron and Nitrogen in GaAs and InP Melts Equilibrated with B_2O_3 Flux
- Behavior of Oxygen in Ga-As Melts with the Range of As Content up to 5 mass % Equilibrated with B_2O_3 Flux
- Dynamic and Static Restoration Behaviors of Pure Lead and Tin in the Ambient Temperature Range
- The Effect of Solute Elements on Hardness and Grain Size in Platinum Based Binary Alloys
- Development of a New Method for Manufacturing Iron Foam Using Gases Generated by Reduction of Iron Oxide
- Hydrothermal Synthesis of Zeolite A Using Blast Furnace Slag
- The Effects of the Oxygen-enriched Surface Layer on Mechanical Properties of α+β Type Titanium Alloys
- Fatigue Behaviors of Ultra Fine Wires of β-Type and α-Type Titanium Alloys
- Oxidation or Nitridation Behavior of Pure Chromium and Chromium Alloys Containing 10mass%Ni or Fe in Atmospheric Heating
- Alloy Design and Property Evaluation of New β Type Titanium Alloy with Excellent Cold Workability and Biocompatibility
- Preparation of Calcium Phosphate Films by Radiofrequency Magnetron Sputtering
- Grain Refinement of As Cast Austenite by Dynamic Recrystallization in HSLA Steels
- Solubilities and Equilibrium Distribution Coefficients of Oxygen and Carbon in Silicon
- Brillouin Spectra and Structural Relaxation in ZnCl_2-KCl Binary Melts
- Alloy Design and Properties of New α+β Titanium Alloy with Excellent Cold Workability, Superplasticity and Cytocompatibility
- Evaluation of Sliding Wear Resistant Property of C. P. Titanium and SP-700 Titanium Alloy Surface-hardened by Ar-5%CO Gas
- Variations in the Microstructure and Hardness with Solution Treating and Aging Conditions in New α+β Titanium Alloy Ti-4.5%Al-6%Nb-2%Fe-2%Mo
- β Grain Refinement due to Small Amounts of Yttrium Addition in α+β Type Titanium Alloy, SP-700
- Austenitic Grain Growth behavior Immediately after Dynamic Recrystallization in HSLA Steels and Austenitic Stainless Steel