Department Of Genetics Research Institute Of Environmental Medicine | 論文
- Hydrocephalus in Mice Induced by Prenatal Exposure to X-radiation
- Disturbed Purkinje Cell Migration Due to Reduced Expression of Reelin by X-Irradiation in Developing Rat Cerebellum
- The development of the cerebral cortex in the embryonic mouse exposed to irradiation : an electron microscopic study
- Follow up study on histogenesis of microcephaly induced by prenatal γ-irradiation in the mouse
- joggle 遺伝子座のマウス第6染色体上(D6Mit104-D6Mit336)領域へのマッピング
- 心筋細胞の電位依存性K+チャネル,Kv4.2の局在
- ラットの心肥大における細胞接着装置の変化
- 0213 心肥大に伴う心室筋異方向性興奮伝導の変化 : モノクロタリン誘発右室肥大ラットの細胞外電位マッピングと免疫組織化学による検討
- 130)ウサギ洞房結節細胞のギャップジャンクションチャネル
- 0074 モルモット洞房結節におけるKv1.5チャネルの発現 : 免疫組織化学による検討
- 0641 伸展刺激による洞房結節自動能亢進の機序に関する研究 : 細胞微細構造の変形について
- Characteristics of Action Potentials in the Posteromedial Right Atrium : New Insights into the Mechanism of Conduction Block during Atrial Flutter(Arrhythmia, Diagnosis/Pathophysiology/EPS 10 (A), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circula
- Bepridil Facilitates Early Termination of Spiral-Wave Reentry in Two-Dimensional Cardiac Muscle Through an Increase of Intercellular Electrical Coupling
- CLONING AND TISSUE DISTRIBUTION OF TYPE 2 IODOTHYRONINE DEIODINASE (D2) IN THE HOUSE MUSK SHREW(Endocrinology,Abstracts of papers presented at the 74^ Annual Meeting of the Zoological Society of Japan)
- Effects of MI-9, a Specific Inhibitor of Myosin Light-Chain Kinase, on Preimplantation Mouse Development
- Development of Cerebellar Hypoplasia in Jaundiced Gunn Rats : A Morphological Study
- Inhibition of Myosin Light-Chain Kinase Affects Myosin Organization of Preimplantation Mouse Embryos
- Electron Microscopic Observation of Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum in the Dendritic Spine of Purkinje Cells in dilute-neurological Mice
- Cerebellar hypoplasia due to experimental hyperbilirubinemia induced by novobiocin.