Department Of Ergonomics Faculty Of Engineering Chiba University | 論文
- Comparison of an Accelerometer and a Condenser Microphone for Mechanomyographic Signals during Measurement of Agonist and Antagonist Muscles in Sustained Isometric Muscle Contractions : The Influence of the Force Tremor
- 1-11 Visual Evoked Potentials Elicited by Chromatic Flash Stimulation(Proceedings of the 57th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- 1-2 The Effects of Meal on Physiological Responses during Mental Task(Proceedings of the 57th Meeting of Japan Society of Physiological Anthropology)
- The Effects of Heel Elevation on Postural Adjustment and Activity of Lower-Extremity Muscles during Deep Squatting-to-Standing Movement in Normal Subjects
- Late Bilateral Temporal Lobe Necrosis After Conventional Radiotherapy
- Variation in Preferred Orientations of TiN Thin Films Prepared by Ion Beam Assisted Deposition
- Consideration of Deformation of TiN Thin Films with Preferred Orientation Prepared by Ion-Beam-Assisted Deposition
- Mechanical Properties of TiN Films with the Preferred Orientations by Nano-Indentation Method
- Effects of Inhalation of Essential Oils on EEG Activity and Sensory Evaluation
- Estimation of Thermal Sensation during Varied Air Temperature Conditions
- An Ergonomic Evaluation of Cooking Range Switch
- Evaluation of the Motion of Standing Up from Different Kinds of Sittting Postures
- The effects of type and difficulty of mental task on psyco-physiological responses
- The effects of the fluctuations in air velocity and temperature on human comfort and physiological functions
- Effects of Cooling Portions of the Head on Human Thermoregulatory Response
- Effects of Timed Bright Light Exposure on the Arousal Level during Simulated Nightwork
- 夜勤対策を考慮した夜間高照度光照射の効果に関する文献的考察
- Fundamental Study on the Size and Inter-Key Spacing of Numeric Keys for Touch Screen
- Effects of Time Stress on Psychophysiological Responses during Data Entry Tasks
- The Effect of Dual Task Difficulties on Human Performances