Department Of Biology Faculty Of Science Hirosaki University | 論文
- ベトナム産モグラ(食虫目,モグラ科,モグラ亜科)について
- 増補版食虫類の自然史7. : カワネズミの生態と保全 最近の知見
- 変わり続ける日本産ニホンモグラ属Mogeraの分類と核型分析の重要性
- モグラ科の染色体研究とこれまでの活動
- 染色体の形と哺乳類の分類、そして系統進化、日本産イタチ2種を例として
- Monopolar preparation of human lymphocytes for evaluation of the metaphase chromosome alignment
- P-11. Mechanism of delayed QM-fluorescence in C-heterochromatin of the small Japanese field mouse, Apodemus argenteus(Abstracts of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- Restriction endonuclease banding and photooxidation studies of delayed QM-fluorescence of the C-heterochromatin of the small Japanese field mouse, Apodemus argenteus
- Delayed fluorescence in C-heterochromatin of the small Japanese field mouse, Apodemus argenteus : Restriction enzyme banding analysis(Abstracts of the 48th Annual Meeting of the Society of Chromosome Research)
- T-Cell Receptor Variable γ Chain Gene Expression in the Interaction between Rat γδ-Type T Cells and Heat-Shock Protein 70-Like Molecule
- Ossification of tracheal cartilage in aged humans: a histological and immunohistochemical analysis
- Immunohistochemical localization of the bone morphogenetic protein-6 in salivary pleomorphic adenomas
- Ultrastructure of lentigo maligna in the oral cavity
- Ultrastructure of angiosarcoma in the oral cavity
- Dual Gradient-echo In-phase and Opposed-phase Magnetic Resonance Imaging to Evaluate Lipomatous Metaplasia in Patients with Old Myocardial Infarction
- Karyosystematic Analysis of Japanese Talpine Moles in the Genera Euroscaptor and Mogera (Insectivora, Talpidae)(Taxonomy)
- 日本産翼手類,ヒナコウモリ科の染色体研究-4-トウヨウヒナコウモリ(Vespertilio orientalis)の核型およびC-バンドパタ-ン(速報)〔英文〕
- Effect of Uni-adrenalectomy on Blood Pressure in a Patient with Excessive Adrenal 18-hydroxy-11-deoxycorticosterone Production Bilaterally
- Alpha-blocker test : Alternative to pressure-flow study of bladder outlet obstruction and detrusor contractility in patients without an enlarged prostate
- Patterns of distribution of Ag-NORs in the genus Apodemus and their evolutionary implications