Department Of Agricultural And Biological Chemistry Nihon University | 論文
- 修正18ヶ月における極低出生体重児の発達の特徴-出生重による比較
- 血漿脂質中アラキドン酸濃度の低値を示す肥満小児の特質に関する検討
- Inhibitory Effects of Ginsenoside Rh_2 on Tumor Growth in Nude Mice Bearing Human Ovarian Cancer Cells
- Altered Expression of γ-Glutamylcysteine Synthetase, Metallothionein and Topoisomerase I or II during Acquisition of Drug Resistance to Cisplatin in Human Ovarian Cancer Cells
- Optimal scan time for evaluating pancreatic disease with positron emission tomography using F-18-fluorodeoxyglucose
- Avidin Chase Can Reduce Myelotoxicity Associated with Radioimmunotherapy of Experimental Liver Micrometastases in Mice
- State Policy and Use of Forest Resources in Vietnam : An Explanation by Habermas's Theory of Communicative Action
- FE-P9 Mechanism of deamidation of food proteins by cation-exchange resins of the carboxylate type(Section IX Food Engineering)
- Enhanced Calcium Absorption in the Small Intestine by a Phytate-removed Deamidated Soybean Globulin Preparation
- Influence of Phytate Removal and Structural Modification on the Calcium-binding Properties of Soybean Globulins
- Analysis of Water Sorption Behavior of Native and Denatured Proteins by Solution Thermodynamics
- Analysis of Volatile Components in Essential Oil of Upland Wasabi and Their Inhibitory Effects on Platelet Aggregation
- Relationship between Flow Properties of Thickener Solutions and Their Velocity through the Pharynx Measured by the Ultrasonic Pulse Doppler Method
- Changes in Activity Coefficient γ_w of Water and the Foaming Capacity of Protein during Hydrolysis(Food & Nutrition Science)
- Structure and Phase Transition of Fullerene C_ Crystal Studied by X-Ray Scattering
- Forest Shink Plan Using a Carbon Offset System
- Diffusion abnormality in posterior cingulate fiber tracts in Alzheimer's disease : tract-specific analysis
- BART is essential for nuclear retention of STAT3
- Effect of Intraluminal Pressure on the Intimal Thickening in Injured Rabbit Carotid Arteries in an Organ-Culture System