College of General Education, Osaka University | 論文
- ノーベル物理学賞受賞記念「展示と模擬実験」
- 28aVP-10 Maximal CP violation hypothesis and a lepton mixing matrix
- 21pZD-4 A search for strange tribaryonic states in ^4He(K^-_,n) reaction
- 24pSB-4 質量行列とレプトン数非保存の現象
- 30aSA-10 MNS Parameters from Neutrino Oscillations, Single Beta Decay and Double Beta Decay
- 31aSD-5 CP violation in Lepton Number Violation Process and Neutrino Oscillations
- 24aSF-7 SO(10)GUT and Quark-Lepton Mass Matrices
- 28p-YC-12 Constraints of Mixing Angles from Lepton Number Violating Processes
- 28p-YC-9 クォークとレプトンの質量行列
- Observation of Pionic 1s States in Sn Nuclei and Its Implications on Chiral Symmetry Restoration
- レプトン・核子深非弾性散乱におけるヒッグス粒子生成(クォーク・グルオンの力学に基づくハドロン物理,研究会報告)
- New Parameterization in Muon Decay and the Type of Emitted Neutrino. II(Particles and Fields)
- New Parameterization in Muon Decay and the Type of Emitted Neutrino(Particles and Fields)
- Pseudo Dirac Neutrino
- Double Beta Decay
- CP Violation in Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay and Neutrino Oscillation
- 二重ベータ崩壊 : ニュートリノはディラック型かマヨラナ型か
- Chiral Lagrangian with Higher Resonances and Flavour SU(3) Breaking : Particles and Fields
- Born-Infeld Action from Supergravity
- An Annealing Stage near 4.2 K in Neutron Irradiated Germanium