Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology | 論文
- Formation of Self-organized GaN Dots on Al_Ga_N by Alternating Supply of Source Precursors
- Pattern Recognition with Circular Harmonic Filtering and Phase-Only Circular Harmonic Filtering Using a Vander Lugt Filter
- Influence of Sapphire Nitridation on Properties of Indium Nitride Prepared by Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxy
- A High-Temperature Thermodynamic Model for Metalorganic Vapor Phase Epitaxial Growth of InGaN
- Thermal-Treatment Induced Deep Electron Traps In AlInP : Semiconductors
- Photoluminescence Study of Heavily Te-doped GaAs Grown by Liquid-Phase Epitaxy
- Thermal Annealing Studies of Boron-Implanted HgCdTe by Electrolyte Electroreflectance
- Interferometric Phase-Locking of Two Electronic Oscillators Based on a Cascade Electro-Optic Modulator
- Facile Synthetic Route Toward High Conversion Primary Aliphatic Poly(vinyl benzyl isocyanate) via Iodination
- Infrared Spectroscopic Study of Mercury-Sensitized Photo-CVD Silicon Oxide
- High Breakdown P-Channel InSb MOSFET
- Anomalous Diffusion of Cd in InSb
- InSb P-N Junction with Avalanche Breakdown Behavior
- Passive Q-switches for Nd:hosted Solid State Lasers
- On Threshold Selection Using Fuzzy Risk Criterion
- Numerical Investigation of Crossflow Separation on a Tanget-Ogive Forebody at High Angle of Attack
- Rotational Invariant Pattern Recognition Using Photorefractive Correlator
- Computational Drag and Lift for a Transonic Flow past a SOCBT Projectile with and without Porous Surface at Angles of Attack
- Phase Conjugation with Picosecond Pulses in BaTiO_3
- Joining of Al_2O_3 to 316SS Using Braze-infiltrated Ni Net