Center for Environmental Remote Sensing (CERes), Chiba University | 論文
- Study on Indonesia aerosol by using NOAA data and sky radiometer data
- Measurement of Atmospheric NO_2 Column Density with Kitt Peak Solar Flux Atlas as a Reference
- GMS-5/SVISSRデータを用いた雲の光学的厚さに関する研究〔英文〕
- Enhanced Detection of Gas Absorption Using an Erbium-Doped Fiber Ring Laser
- Tunable, UV Solid-State Lidar for Measurement of Nitric Oxide Distribution
- GPU Based Chirp Scaling Algorithm for SAR Processing (宇宙・航行エレクトロニクス)
- Continuous monitoring of Metropolitan city land deformation by DInSAR technique on L, C and X-band SAR data, case study : Jakarta city, Indonesia (宇宙・航行エレクトロニクス)
- Continous monitoring of Metropolitan city land deformation by DInSAR technique on L, C and X-band SAR data, case study : Jakarta city, Indonesia
- 森林火災跡による散乱波の解析法 : SARデータによる中部ボルネオ島における森林火災跡の深さの推定
- クイックバード画像をトレーニングデータに用いた回帰ツリー法による樹木被覆率の推定
- GPU Based Chirp Scaling Algorithm for SAR Processing
- 広域土地被覆マッピングの検証のためのサンプリング方法
- Study of Synthetic Aperture Radar Sensor onboard Small Satellite
- Determination of Vertical Distributions of Aerosol Optical Parameters by Use of Multi-Wavelength Lidar Data
- Development of 9.41 GHz Microstrip Antenna for Three Dimensional Weather Radar (3D-WR) (アンテナ・伝播)