- 124 韓国と日本の雑草フロラの類似性について
- FM-P15 Large and rapid screening of high yielding Mutants of Itaconic Acid Through Optimized Miniaturized Culture system, and Investigation of Culture Conditions(Section VIII Fermentation and Microbial Technology)
- FM-P14 Enhanced production of itaconic acid by transformed fungal cells of Aspergillus terreus harboring Vitreoscilla Hemoglobin Gene(Section VIII Fermentation and Microbial Technology)
- A 3V CMOS Continuous-Time Fully-balanced Current-Mode Integrator with Complementary Transconductance
- Efficient Encoding Architecture for IEEE 802.16e LDPC Codes
- Caffeine as a Lipolytic Food Component Increases Endurance Performance in Rats and Athletes
- The ROM Design with Half Grouping Compression Method for Chip Area and Power Consumption Reduction
- FM-P37 Differential expression patterns of XYL1, XYL2 and XYL3 to the glucose and xylose in Pichia stipitis(Section VIII Fermentation and Microbial Technology)
- An Efficient Selective Receiver Switching Scheme for STBC with Full Code Rate and Non Orthogonal Design
- BE-P10 Development of separation strategies of protein-bound polysaccharides from mycelium by submerged culture of Inonotus obliquus(Section V Biomolecular Engineering and Bioseparation)
- About the Korean and Japan Broussonetia (Moraceae)
- Design of 1.2V CMOS Low-Frequency Current-Mode Filter
- Studies on ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase (UCH) family during spermatogenesis of mice
- Preface: Comparison of Geomorphic Processes on a Stable Landmass(Korea) and in a Mobile Belt(Japan) (特集 安定地塊(韓国)と変動帯(日本)との地形発達過程の比較)
- 9. ラットおよび運動選手においてカフェイン摂取の持久運動能力強化作用
- FM-P42 Intensive strain improvement using High Throughput System (HTS) and statistical medium optimization for enhanced production of succinic acid by Actinobacillus succinogenes(Section VIII Fermentation and Microbial Technology)
- EN-P45 Analysis of protein expression profiles of As (III), As (V), Cd and binary heavy metal mixture in Daphnia magna(Section VI Environmental Biotechnology)
- Thermally Stimulated Exoelectron Emission and Thermoluminescence of Alpha Alumina Single Crystals : Exoemission Mechanism and Related Phenomena
- Weighted Association Rule Mining for Item Groups with Different Properties and Risk Assessment for Networked Systems
- Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm for Low-Power and Area-Efficient Implementation(Devices/Circuits for Communications)