Bioinformatics Center, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University | 論文
- Conditional Random Field Approach to Prediction of Protein-protein Interactions Using Domain Information
- Integer Programming and Dynamic Programming-based Methods of Optimizing Control Policy in Probabilistic Boolean Networks with Hard Constraints
- An Improved Clique-Based Method for Computing Edit Distance between Rooted Unordered Trees
- バイオインフォマティクスとケモインフォマティクスの融合 (特集 バイオインフォマティクス--基礎と臨床応用) -- (基礎)
- ゲノム情報理学の創成に向けて (特集 ゲノム・生命・コンピュータ--ゲノム情報理学の創成)
- 細胞死に関する分子間相互作用データベースを用いたパスウェイ解析
- Prediction of protein residue contacts using discriminative random field
- Prediction of protein residue contacts using discriminative random field
- Efficient Computation of Impact Degrees for Multiple Reactions in Metabolic Networks with Cycles
- Prediction of RNA Secondary Structures with Binding Sites Using Dynamic Programming Algorithm
- Gene expression dynamics and stochastic processes with Markov property
- On Finding a Fixed Point in a Boolean Network with Maximum Indegree 2
- Tree Edit Distance Problems: Algorithms and Applications to Bioinformatics
- Predicting Protein-RNA Residue-base Contacts Using Two-dimensional Conditional Random Field
- Finding Conserved Regions in Protein Structures Using Support Vector Machines and Structure Alignment
- Conservation Laws and Symmetries in Competitive Systems
- Measuring the Similarity of Protein Structures Using Image Compression Algorithms
- Conservation Laws and Symmetries in Competitive Systems
- Integer Programming-Based Approach to Attractor Detection and Control of Boolean Networks
- Inferring Strengths of Protein-Protein Interactions Using Support Vector Regression