AKITA University | 論文
- Effect of Heat Conductivity on Bridge Break at Different Material Contact Pairs
- Estimate of Floor Reaction Force vector using Foot-Pressure Sensor
- Curie temperature and lattice constant of oxidized titanomagnetite and grain size effect on the low-temperature
- Contact Conditions in Connectors that Cause Common Mode Radiation
- B-4-17 A Study on Imbalance Component and EM Radiation from Asymmetrical Differential-Paired Lines with Equi-Distance Routing
- Tolerant Rationalism
- Hadronic J/Ψ and Charmed Particle Production and Correlating Quark Rearrangement Model
- Functional Categories And Configurationality
- Pyrometasomatic iron-copper ore deposits of the Sampo mine, Okayama Prefecture : PartII. The modes of occurrences, mineral paragenesis and chemical compositions of skarn and ore
- Voltage Fluctuation of Arc Discharge Affected by Pressure in Relay Housing
- Arc Discharge Affected by Pressure in Relay Housing
- Electrical Properties of ZnO Microvaristors under HV Application (特集 放電現象・新素材とその応用技術)
- Japanese map of the earwax gene frequency : a nationwide collaborative study by Super Science High School Consortium
- Galvanic Corrosion of a Zn/steel Couple in Aqueous NaCl
- Electrical Properties of ZnO Microvaristors under HV Application
- Felicity Nussbaum, Rival Queens: Actresses, Performance, and the Eighteenth-Century British Theater, Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2010, 383pp.
- B-4-43 Frequency Response of Imbalance Component of Asymmetrical Differential-Paired Lines with Equi-Distance Routing
- 大陸縁辺の後期始新世火山活動:東北日本男鹿半島,かぶき岩の火山岩相
- 各種無電解めっき電極の耐イオンマイグレーション性能
- Secure and Testable Scan Design Utilizing Shift Register Quasi-equivalents