福岡大学筑紫病院整形外科 | 論文
- Two Cases of Cervical Intervertebral Disc Calcification in Children.
- 肩鎖関節完全脱臼に対するCadenat変法の治療成績
- 腱板断裂肩における位置覚の検討
- A case of the intraosseous ganglion of the carpal scaphoid.
- Follow-up study of total hip replacement.
- Ultrasonography of the Rotator Cuff and Infant Hip
- Radiation Exposure to Anesthesiologist and Nurse in the Orthopedic Operating Room.
- 3 Cases of Cat Scratch Disease.
- Entrapment Neuropathy of the Lateral Dorsal Cutaneous Nerve: A Report of Four Operated Cases.:A Report of Four Operated Cases
- An Experience of Surgical Treatment of Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome.
- Tumor-Induced Osteomalacia; A Case Report.
- A case of adult onset idiopatic Fanconi syndrome.
- Arthroplasty of the elbow joint.
- Four Cases of Fracture-Dislocation of the 4th and 5th Carpometacarpal Joints.
- Repair of neglected rupture of the achilles tendon with peroneus brevis tendon.
- 鏡視下距骨下関節固定術の治療成績の検討
- 青年のアルコール性上腕骨頭壊死に対して骨軟骨移植術を施行した1症例
- 肩峰下除圧術の有無による鏡視下腱板修復の術後成績
- 特殊な変形を呈した変形性肩関節症の治療成績