田辺製薬 | 論文
- Polymorphic Transition Rate of Semisynthetic Fatty Suppository Bases
- Non-enzymatic Oxidation of the New Cardiotonic Agent Denopamine and Its Derivatives : Comparison with Enzymatic Oxidation
- Improved Separation of the Denopamine Metabolites Using Capillary Column Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
- Effect of Uterine Environment and Uterine Extract on Guinea Pig Sperm Metabolism
- 2-Indolinethiones. Tautomerism and Oxidation to the Disulfides
- Preparation of 3-Arylindoles
- Preparation of 3-Substituted 2-Indolinethiones via Diindolyl Disulfides. The Reaction of 3-Substituted Indoles with Sulfur Monochloride
- 老齢ラットの骨外性骨肉腫 (短報)
- CRFK細胞でのイヌコロナウイルスの増殖
- 老齢ラットに認められた多形性脂肪肉腫の一例
- ビタミンB_6誘導体の研究 : (III)ピリドキサールーホモシステインの生物学的ならびに薬理学的研究
- ORの限界と可能性
- 殺菌を有効に行うための洗浄技術 (特集 食品工業における殺菌技術の現状と展望)
- イヌヘルペスウイルス感染仔犬の腎臓の動脈病変の電顕像
- Formation Route of Sulfur-Containing Metabolites of Afloqualone, a New Centrally Acting Muscle Relaxant, in Rat
- Absorption of Diltiazem in Beagle Dog from Pulsatile Release Tablet
- Design and Preparation of Pulsatile Release Tablet as a New Oral Drug Delivery System
- 抗体の進路経路の分岐(2)
- 抗体の進化経路の分岐(1)
- Hydrogen Peroxide-Induced Dermatitis in WBN/Kob-Ht Rats