熊本大 医 放射線医学 | 論文
- 頭頸部腫瘍に合併する食道癌
- Reduction of Radiation Dose at HRCT of the Temporal Bone in Children
- Ectopic cervical thymus in an infant
- Optimal dose and injection duration (injection rate) of contrast material for depiction of hypervascular hepatocellular carcinomas by multidetector CT
- Multidetector CT findings suggesting a perforation site in the gastrointestinal tract : analysis in surgically confirmed 155 patients
- 腹部超音波検診にて発見され診断に苦慮した後腹膜平滑筋肉腫の1例
- Detection of Hepatocellular Carcinoma Using Double-echo FLASH Sequence during the Hepatic Arterial Phase
- Role f Preoperative Helical CT before Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy : Evaluation of Gallbladder and Peritoneal Adhesion
- Evaluation of Hypervascular Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Cirrhotic Liver by Means of Helical CT : Comparison of Different Contrast Medium Concentrations within the Same Patient
- マルチスライスCTにおける造影剤の有効な使用方法
- MRIは壊死性膵炎における, いわゆる膵壊死巣内の不均一な内部構造を描出する
- Quantitative Evaluation of Measurement Accuracy for Three-dimensional Angiography System Using Various Phantoms
- Intraarterial Infusion Chemotherapy for Head and Neck Cancers : Evaluation of Tumor Perfusion with Intraarterial CT during Carotid Arteriography
- Usefulness of Source Images from Three-dimensional Time-of-flight MR Angiography after Treatment of Cavernous Dural Arteriovenous Fistulas
- Intracranial Artery Dissections : Serial Evaluation with MR Imaging, MR Angiography, and Source Images of MR Angiography
- 子宮肉腫の画像診断 (特集 婦人科がん画像診断の最先端)
- Remort desktop を利用したリアルタイム遠隔放射線治療計画・支援システムの構築
- 肺小結節の線量計算アルゴリズムにおける散乱補正の重要性 : 臨床症例での検討
- T2声門癌に対するUFTおよび低濃度CDDP同時併用化学放射線療法の初期経験 : MRIによる治療前評価
- 肺小結節照射における散乱線量補正アルゴリズムの重要性 : ファントムモデルでの検証