水産試験場 | 論文
- 洲本附近の魚獲カタクチイワシに就て
- 魚類の年齢査定(豫報II)
- 魚類の年齢査定(豫報I)
- 駿河灣東北隅淡島大謀網附近の海況に就て(績報 II) : 水温・塩分及び透明度の変化と相互關係
- アハビ空殻の生物測定學的研究
- On the Stock of Spring Herring in Hokkaido
- The Catch of the "Maiwashi" Sardinia melanosticta (T. & S.) and its Environmental Condition in Tokyo Bay
- Hydrological and Hydrobiologial Observation of the Tikuma River
- Hydrological and Hydrobiological Observation of the Tikuma River. III
- Studies on the Utilization of the Shark Liver Oil containing Squalene
- A Method to exterminate Rapana, the Natural Enemy of the Oyster
- On the Number of Ripe Ovarian Eggs of the Pond Smelt, Hypomesus olidus (Pallas)
- Chemical Studies on the Fatty-layers of Whale-hides II. Penetration of Salt and Action of Soluble-Protein
- Chemical Studies on the Fatty-layers of Whale-hidess
- Chemical Studies on the Fatty Layers of Whalehides:III. The Penetration of Salt and the Action of Solube Proteins. (Continued)
- Amount of Food Protein and the Accumulation of Body Protein in Fish:I. Fed on Diets of Equal Caloric Value, but of Different Nutritive Ratio
- A Simplification for Calculation of the Salinity of Sea Water from Chlorine Titration
- On the Effect of Sodium Nitrite in Preserving Fishmeat
- The Planktological Properties of the Principal Sea Areas Surrounding Japan
- Amount of Food Protein and the Accumulation of Body Protein in Fish:III. Economical Amount of Food Protein