東京医科歯科大学 肝胆膵外科 | 論文
- Tumor viability evaluation by positron emission tomography with [^F]FDG in the liver metastasis rat model
- Regional Differences in Blood Volume and Blood Transit Time in Resting Skeletal Muscle
- Imaging of adenosine A_1 receptors in the human brain by positron emission tomography with [^C]MPDX
- Potential of an adenosine A_ receptor antagonist [^C]TMSX for myocardial imaging by positron emission tomography : a first human study
- Adenosine A_ receptor imaging with [^C]KF18446 PET in the rat brain after quinolinic acid lesion : Comparison with the dopamine receptor imaging
- Preclinical studies on [^C]MPDX for mapping adenosine A_1 receptors by positron emission tomography
- Comparison of parametric FBP and OS-EM reconstruction algorithm images for PET dynamic study
- Intrasubject correlation between static scan and distribution volume images for [^C]flumazenil PET
- Comparison of three PET dopamine D_2-like receptor ligands, [^C]raclopride, [^C]nemonapride and [^C]N-methylspiperone, in rats
- Metabolite analysis of [^C]flumazenil in human plasma : Assessment as the standardized value for quantitative PET studies
- Usefulness of [^C]Methionine PET in the Diagnosis of Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumor with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
- 非高脂血症下肢閉塞性動脈硬化症に対するアフェレシス治療の多施設臨床評価(腎・血液領域の注目すべき疾患-アフェレシス療法のエビデンスとガイドライン-)
- HNPCC患者の放射線治療の安全性に関する検討(第105回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- 安静立位時の大腿静脈, 膝窩静脈, 大伏在静脈の血流速度についての考察
- Voxel- and ROI-based statistical analyses of PET parameters for guidance in the surgical treatment of intractable mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
- Cerebral Blood Flow, Vascular Response and Metabolism in Patients with MELAS Syndrome : Xenon CT and PET Study
- Changes in Local Cerebral Blood Flow,Glucose Utilization,and Mitochondrial Function Following Traumatic Brain Injury in Rats
- 急性腸間膜動脈閉塞症 : 血管造影を急げ
- II E2 Voxel based and ROI based statistical analysis of PET paramenters as guides for surgical treatment of intractable mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
- II D6 Usefulness of C11-methionine PET in the diagnosis of benign tumors presenting with temporal lobe epilepsy