東京医科歯科大学 肝胆膵外科 | 論文
- P-239 尿閉を呈した膀胱頚部の良性腫瘤様病変の1例(泌尿器1)
- P-99 急性大量下血をおこした2幼児例(胃・十二指腸・小腸1)
- P-55 リンパ節腫大を伴った縦隔成熟奇形腫の1例(肺・気管・縦隔・横隔膜4)
- P-19 超音波ガイド下鎖骨下静脈穿刺 : 短軸フリーハンドによる手技(代謝・栄養)
- B-83 小児外科黎明期の直腸尿道漏の1例(結腸・直腸・肛門2)
- 20.ステロイド依存性アレルギー性紫斑病の1例(第39回日本小児外科学会関東甲信越地方会)
- ひらめ筋内静脈検討委員会合意内容
- 外腸骨静脈を圧排し, 下肢浮腫を来した脂肪腫の1例
- 血管疾患における口腔内感染症の意義(第105回日本外科学会定期学術集会)
- Mlh1ノックアウトマウスにおける放射線誘発アポトーシスの特徴(小腸・大腸・肛門42, 第60回日本消化器外科学会総会)
- Low density of sigma_1 receptors in early Alzheimer's disease
- Benzodiazepine Receptor Distribution and Cerebral Blood Flow in Early Blindness : A PET Study
- Preserved benzodiazepine receptors in Alzheimer's disease measured with C-11 flumazenil PET and I-123 iomazenil SPECT in comparison with CBF
- Adenosine A_1 receptors using 8-dicyclopropylmethyl-1-[^C]methyl-3-propylxanthine PET in Alzheimer's disease
- Successive positron emission tomography measurement of cerebral blood flow and neuroreceptors in the human brain : an ^C-SA4503 study
- Influence of mild hyperglycemia on cerebral FDG distribution patterns calculated by statistical parametric mapping
- Shortened protocol in practical [^C]SA4503-PET studies for sigma_1 receptor quantification
- Distribution volume as an alternative to the binding potential for sigma_1 receptor imaging
- Evaluation of tumor growth in vivo in a rat model of liver metastasis, using a newly devised index obtained by positron emission tomography with [18F] FDG
- A feasibility study of [^C]SA4503-PET for evaluating sigma_1 receptor occupancy by neuroleptics : the binding of haloperidol to sigma_1 and dopamine D_2-like receptors