木村融液動態プロジェクト | 論文
- Temperature Dependence of the Viscosity of Molten Silicon Measured by the Oscillating Cup Method
- Temperature Dependence of the Electrical Resistivity of Molten Silicon
- Effect of Gallium Addition on Density Variation of Molten Silicon
- Surface Tension Variation of Molten Silicon Measured by the Ring Method
- Density Variations in Molten Silicon Dependent on Its Thermal History
- Density Variation of Molten Silicon Measured by an Improved Archimedian Method
- Evaporation of Oxygen-Bearing Species from Si Melt and Influence of Sb Addition
- 14a-DL-4 回転型対陰極をもつ軟X線装置の開発I
- IV族半導体の輻射率, 熱拡散率の測定 : バルク成長シンポジウムI
- Chemical Reaction of Sb Atoms in Si Melt
- Chermieal Reaction of Sb Atoms in Si Melt
- Evaporatiorn Rates of Oxides from Undoped and Sb-Doped Si Melts under Atmospheres of Pure Ne, Ar, and Kr
- Effect of Background Gas Pressure on Evaporation of Oxides from Sb-Doped Si Melt
- Relationship between Different Interfacial Phases and Oxygen Solubility in Silicon Melt
- In Situ Observation of Etching Processes of Silica Glasses by Silicon Melts