放射線医学総合研究所障害基礎研究部 | 論文
- LD_(30)s and Daily Death Distributions of Whole or Partial Body Irradiated Mice
- Abscopal effect and recovery of splenic weights of mice
- A Simple Mathematical Model for Life-shortening by Radiation
- A model for radiation injury(8) Kinetics of acute radiation lethality
- A model for radiation injury (7) Paired-dose method
- A Model for Radiation Injury (6) Whole Body Injury
- A Model for Radiation Injury (5) On the Target Theory
- 炭素線による造血系障害のRBEに関する研究
- Effects of 5-Fluorouracil on Hematopoietic Stem Cells in Normal and Irradiated Mice
- Biochemical Analyses of Some Metabolites in Urine and Blood in Persons Exposed Accidentally to a Source of ^Ir
- Hematological changes after partial body or whole body irradiation in mice
- Modification of Radiation Lethality in Mice by Antithrombocyte Serum Injection
- 放射線照射による晩発性影響 : 生殖試験における遅発効果の検索
- 放射線障害と絶食・絶水(生理・生化学)
- The Mortality and Body Weight Response of Male Wistar Rats in the Lethal X-ray Dose Range
- 放射性物質による家畜の障害に関する基礎的研究 : II. P^32の消化管部局所適用による障害
- Cross Placental Transfer of ^Au-colloid in Near Term Rats
- 1歳から14歳までの健常なビーグル犬における血液学的および血清生化学的性状の加齢性変化(短報)
- Effects of Continuous Gamma-irradiation during Whole Reproductive Period on Mouse Ovary
- Effects of Continuous Gamma Radiation on the Life Span of Mice