愛知学院大学 歯 | 論文
- A case of malignant fibrous histiocytoma of the maxilla.
- 中部および西部日本におけるニホンジネズミの島嶼群の形態変異
- Surgical treatment for trismus following treatment of maxillary cancer.
- A dermoid cyst of sublingual type swelled in the sublingual and submental regions. Availability of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging.:Availability of the Magnetic Resonance Imaging
- Experimental study on the muscle-related proteins. I. Comparison of the muscle-related proteins between the masticatory and tongue muscles to the fast and slow muscles in the leg.:I. Comparison of the muscle-related proteins between the masticatory and to
- 顎関節症患者に対する低出力レーザー効果に関する臨床的研究-サーモグラフィー所見を中心に-
- 低出力He-Neレーザーによる星状神経節照射について
- 18 Trisomy syndrome with cleft lip and cleft palate: report of a case.
- タイトル無し
- Clinical experience of Clinimeal for the patients in the field of oral surgery.
- タイトル無し
- Clinical studies of psychomatic disease in the oral region.
- タイトル無し
- A method for classifying forms of mandibular prognathism.
- 当科における下顎枝矢状分割法の術中成績
- A case of odontogenic myxofibroma of the mandible.
- 下顎枝矢状分割法術後の長期経過
- われわれの教室〔愛知学院大学歯学部第1口腔外科学教室〕における凍結療法の治療成績
- Chondroid syringoma of the upper lip: Report of a case.
- A case of lateral cervical cyst.