富山医科薬科大学医学部和漢診療学 | 論文
- Effects of Keishi-bukuryo-gan (Gui-Zhi-Fu-Ling-Wan) on endothelial function in spontaneously hypertensive rats
- 192 当帰芍薬散合平胃散加附子が奏効した手足のしびれの二症例
- 超音波ドプラ法による連続血流測定
- Evaluation of Numerical Aperture and Focusing Characteristics of Planar Microlens for Optical Interconnects : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Parallel Optical-Transmission Module Using Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser Array and Micro-Optical Bench (MOB) : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Collimation Characteristics of Planar Microlens for Parallel Optical Interconnect
- Fundamental Study of Parallel Moduling Scheme Based on a Micro-Optical Bench and Collimating Planar Microlenses
- A Bidirectional Optical Module Based on Stacked Planar Optical Circuit
- Two-Dimensional Alignment-Free Optical Interconnect Using Micro Optical Bench Scheme
- Magnon Brillouin Scattering from an Amorphous CoNbZr Thin Film
- Additive Effects of AlN and MgO on FePt Nanoparticle Assembly
- Magnetic Anisotropy Energy of L1_0 CoPt-B Thin Films Elongated c-axis
- Magnetic Hardness in MgO/Co Multilayer Films
- 慢性関節リウマチモデルマウスに対する粉防已の免疫調節作用の解析 : 胸腺, 脾臓リンパ球サブセット分布への影響
- 漢方薬に対するリンパ球幼若化試験の信頼性に関する予備的研究
- 051 補中益気湯が奏効した慢性関節リウマチの1例
- 090芍甘黄辛附湯が奏効した腰痛の三例(22運動器・整形外科)
- 原発性シェーグレン症候群に対する温経湯の応用
- Inhibitory effects of Cinnamomi Cortex and cinnamaldehyde on oxygen-derived free radical-induced vasocontraction in isolated aorta of spontaneously hypertensive rats
- 桂枝芍薬知母湯が奏効した慢性関節リウマチの1例 : 炎症 (1)