Parallel Optical-Transmission Module Using Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser Array and Micro-Optical Bench (MOB) : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 社団法人応用物理学会の論文
- 2001-02-01
Shimada Y
Dept. Of Japanese Oriental Medicine Faculty Of Medicine University Of Toyama
Shimada Y
Tokyo Inst. Technol. Yokohama Jpn
Aoki Yasushi
Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Aoki Y
Department Of Materials Development Japan Atomic Energy Research Institute
Iga K
Microsystem Research Center P & I Lab . Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Shimada Yuji
Microsystem Research Center Precision And Intelligence Laboratory Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Aoki Yuji
Superconductivity Research Laboratory Istec
Iga Kenichi
Precision & Intelligence Lab., Tokyo Institute of Technology
Shimada Y
Tohoku Univ. Sendai Jpn
島田 洋蔵
嶋田 豊
Iga Kenichi
Microsystem Research Center P & I Lab . Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Aoki Y
Advanced Technology Research Center Kanagawa Institute Of Technology
Precision and Intelligence Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology
AOKI Yasuhiko
Precision and Intelligence Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology
島田 洋蔵
Dept. Of Japanese Oriental Medicine Faculty Of Medicine University Of Toyama
Shimada Yutaka
21^<st> Century Coe Program Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University
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- A Third-phase Cutaneous(Very Late Phase)Response after Elicitation with Dinitrofluorobenzene in Passively or Actively Sensitized Mice.
- Inhibitory Effects of Triterpenes Isolated from Chuling (Polyporus umbellatus FRIES) on Free Radical-Induced Lysis of Red Blood Cells(Pharmacology)
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- Effect of Keishi-bukuryo-gan on asymptomatic cerebral infarction for short term
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- The Population of CD40L-expressing Cells was Slightly but not Significant Decreased in Lymphoid Tissues of Collagen Induced Arthritic Mice Treated with Hochu-Ekki-To
- Cinnamaldehyde Induces Endothelium-Dependent and -Independent Vasorelaxant Action on Isolated Rat Aorta(Pharmacology)
- Chotosan and cerebrovascular disorders : Clinical and experimental studies
- Expression Patterns of Plasma Proteins in Spontaneously Diabetic Rats after Oral Administration of a Kampo Medicine, Hachimi-jio-gan, Using SELDI ProteinChip Platform(Pharmacognosy)
- Inhibitory Effects of Stephania tetrandra S. MOORE on Free Radical-Induced Lysis of Rat Red Blood Cells(Pharmacognosy)
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- Can Kampo Medicines Eradicate Helicobacter Pylori in Clinical Situation ?
- Effects of Curcuma Drugs on Vasomotion in Isolated Rat Aorta(Pharmacognosy)
- Possible Relationship between Livid Telangiectasis on the Colon Mucosa and Abdominal Kampo Diagnosis
- Four cases of panic disorder successfully treated with Kampo (Japanese herbal) medicines : Kami-shoyo-san and Hange-koboku-to
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- Chotosan, a Kampo Formula, Ameliorates Chronic Cerebral Hypoperfusion-Induced Deficits in Object Recognition Behaviors and Central Cholinergic Systems in Mice
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- Ferroelectric Nonvolatile Memory Technology and Its Applications
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- A case of rheumatoid arthritis complicated by bucillamine-induced nephropathy satisfactorily treated with Kampo medicines
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- One-Dimensional Propagation of Fluctuation in Magnetohydrodynamic Channels
- Diagnostics of Plasma Performance in Magnetohydrodynamics Generators
- Effects of Eppikahangeto, a Kampo Formula, and Ephedrae herba Against Citric Acid-Induced Laryngeal Cough in Guinea Pigs
- A case of pustulotic arthro-osteitis successfully treated with Kampo medicines
- Electrogastrographic power ratio in humans is not related to changes in antrum-skin distance but to antral motility
- Effect of Kampo treatment on chronic viral hepatitis on the basis of traditional diagnosis
- Investigation of Vacancy-Type Defects in P^+-Implanted 6H-SiC Using Monoenergetic Positron Beams
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- The examination of endoscopic findings in 221 cases of rheumatoid arthritis treated with Japanese Oriental (Kampo) medicine
- Effects of Keishi-bukuryo-gan (Gui-Zhi-Fu-Ling-Wan) on endothelial function in spontaneously hypertensive rats
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- X-Ray Analysis of Stress Distribution in Semiconductor Films Bonded to a Piezoelectric Substrate(Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology)
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- Simulation Study of Semicondcutor Coupled Surface Acoustic Wave Convolver through a Multi-Strip Electrodes
- Bonding Technology of Semiconductor Film on Piezoelectric Substrate Using Epitaxial Lift-Off Technology
- Parallel Optical-Transmission Module Using Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Laser Array and Micro-Optical Bench (MOB) : Optics and Quantum Electronics
- Collimation Characteristics of Planar Microlens for Parallel Optical Interconnect
- Fabrication of Surface Acoustic Wave-Semiconductor Coupled Devices Using Epitaxial Lift-Off Technology
- Photoresponse on Surface Acoustic Wave Devices with Compound Semiconductor and LiNbO_3 Structures
- Fundamental Study of Parallel Moduling Scheme Based on a Micro-Optical Bench and Collimating Planar Microlenses
- A Bidirectional Optical Module Based on Stacked Planar Optical Circuit
- Two-Dimensional Alignment-Free Optical Interconnect Using Micro Optical Bench Scheme
- An Optical Network Unit (ONU) Chip Based on Stacked Planar Optics
- A Microoptic Network Unit Using Planar Microlens Array
- Additive Effects of AlN and MgO on FePt Nanoparticle Assembly
- Magnetic Anisotropy Energy of L1_0 CoPt-B Thin Films Elongated c-axis
- Inhibitory effects of Cinnamomi Cortex and cinnamaldehyde on oxygen-derived free radical-induced vasocontraction in isolated aorta of spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Sorption Mechanism of Europium by Apatite Using Rutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy and Resonant Nuclear Reaction Analysis
- Consideration of Optimal Magnet Coil Design Using Nb-Ti Superconductor for 200 MWe Magnetohydrodynamic Generator
- Consideration of Optimal Magnet Coil Design for 1300 MWth Coal Combustion Magnetohydrodynamic Generator
- Micro-arc Tests for MHD electrode materials
- Measurements of Flow Velocity and Temperature Profile in A Propane-Oxygen Combustion MHD Channel
- Plasma Temperature Profile in the Boundary Layers of an MHD Channel
- A Study on Boundary Layer Arc in an MHD Generator Channel
- Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis of Time-Series Data from Combustion MHD Plasma : II. The Effect of An Externally-Applied Magnetic Field on the Plasma Turbulent Flow
- Maximum Entropy Spectral Analysis of Time-Series Data from Combustion MHD Plasma
- Measurement of the Time-Dependent Temperature Variation of Combustion MHD Plasma
- In Situ X-Ray Chemical Analysis of Y_1Ba_2Cu_3O_ Films by Reflection-High-Energy-Electron-Diffraction Total-Reflection-Angle X-Ray Spectroscopy
- X-Ray Chemical Analysis of an YBa_2Cu_3O_x Thin Film by Scanning Electron Microscopy and Total-Reflection-Angle X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-TRAXS)
- Novel Chemical Analysis for Thin Films: Scanning Electron Microscopy & Total-Reflection-Angle X-Ray Spectroscopy (SEM-TRAXS)-X-Ray Take-Off Angle Effect