富山医科薬科大学医学部和漢診療学 | 論文
- 051 Effect of Hyolboochuko-tang(血府逐〓湯) on the Prognosis of Patients with Middle Cerebral Artery Stenosis
- Can Kampo Medicines Eradicate Helicobacter Pylori in Clinical Situation ?
- Effects of Curcuma Drugs on Vasomotion in Isolated Rat Aorta(Pharmacognosy)
- Possible Relationship between Livid Telangiectasis on the Colon Mucosa and Abdominal Kampo Diagnosis
- Four cases of panic disorder successfully treated with Kampo (Japanese herbal) medicines : Kami-shoyo-san and Hange-koboku-to
- 十全大補湯の KIRs の発現に対する影響
- 29A-01 十全大補湯の NO 産生誘導効果
- 痿症方が奏効した下肢脱力の3例
- 気逆による安静時の動悸と芍薬去方の効果について
- 舌苔と気血水及び脾胃の失調病態との関連性について
- 前立腺アミロイドーシスの1例 : 第344回北陸地方会
- 045 高齢者の誤嚥性肺炎に清肺湯が有効であった2例
- Time-Dependent Leakage Current Behavior of Integrated Ba_Sr_TiO_3 Thin Film Capacitors during Stressing
- Temperature-Dependent Current-Voltage Characteristics of Fully Processed Ba_Sr_TiO_3 Capacitors Integrated in a Silicon Device
- Si LSI Process Technology for Integrating Ferroelectric Capacitors ( FERROELECTRIC MATERIALS AND THEIR APPLICATIONS)
- Application of Ferroelectric Thin Films to Si Devices (Special Issue on Quarter Micron Si Device and Process Technologies)
- Giant Magnetoresistance in Bulk Cu-Rich Co-Cu, Co-Ni-Cu and Fe-Ni-Cu Granular Alloys
- Crystal Structure and Magnetoresistance of Fe_Ni_ Films Deposited by Sputter-Beam Method
- 087関節リウマチに対するメソトレキセート治療中に出現した筋緊張症状に対して抑肝散加陳皮半夏エキスが奏功した1例(21神経・筋・麻酔科(3))
- Chotosan Enhances Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor mRNA Expression in the Ischemic Rat Brain and C6Bu-1 Glioma Cells(Biochemistry)