城西大・薬 | 論文
- Effects of Application Voltage and Cathode and Anode Positions at Electroporation on the in Vitro Permeation of Benzoic Acid through Hairless Rat Skin
- 皮膚適用後のフルルビプロフェンの皮下移行性に関する研究
- DNAマイクロアレイ解析を用いた沖縄伝統野菜ニガナ(Crepidiastrum lanceolatum)の食品機能性評価
- 市販製剤品質比較試験法の基準の作成(病院薬局協議会)
- 市販製剤品質比較試験法の基準の作成(病院薬局協議会)
- 市販製剤品質比較試験法の基準の作成
- Nasal Absorption of Zidovudine and Its Transport to Cerebrospinal Fluid in Rats
- Prodrugs of 2', 3'-Dideoxyinosine (DDI) : Improved Oral Bioavailability via Hydrophobic Esters
- Controlled Release of 5-Fluoro-2'-deoxyuridine by the Combination of Prodrug and Polymer Matrix
- 摘出皮膚代替 in vitro 経皮吸収試験法に用いるヒト皮膚類似人工膜の調製とその評価に関する研究
- 徐放性製剤 (医薬品の新しい製剤技術)
- 高分子を用いた薬物制御放出剤形
- 450 好熱性・好アルカリ性放線菌の分離と耐熱性アルカリプロテアーゼ生産
- "Percolation theory"によるマトリックスからの薬物放出挙動の解析
- Enhanced Transdermal Delivery of Zidovudine in Rats and Human Skin
- エイズ治療薬アジドチミジンの有効性増大をめざした投与法
- Mechanism of Enhancement of the Release Rate of Aclarubicin from Poly-β-hydroxybutyric Acid Microspheres by Fatty Acid Esters
- Modification of the Release Rate of Aclarubicin from Polylactic Acid Microspheres by Using Additives
- Control of Release Rate of Bleomycin from Polylactic Acid Microspheres by Additives
- Preparation and Evaluation in Vitro and in Vivo of Polylactic Acid Microspheres Containing Doxorubicin