国立小浜病院整形外科 | 論文
- 10 島原半島東部地区におけるマムシ咬傷
- 大腿部肉腫を疑わせたChronic Expanding Hematomaの1症例
- Lockingを伴う陳旧性肩関節後方脱臼骨折の1例
- 50. 片麻痺患者の歩行(歩行)(第10回日本リハビリテーション医学会総会)
- 393.長崎県島原半島西部における中高生陸上選手の障害・外傷とその背景
- A Case of Metaphyseal Chondrodysplasia (Schmid Type)
- 326.高校生男子陸上長距離選手血清テストステロンおよびクレアチンキナーゼ値とコンディションとの関連について
- Deep infection after total hip replacement (Charnley)
- Effects of acute compression on peripheral nerve.
- Trial of Diagnosis of Syndromes Accompanied with Bone Anomaly.
- A case report of kniest dysplasia.
- Snapping Scapula of Multiple Joint Laxity -A Case Report-
- Evaluation of the Pectoralis Major Muscle Tansf er for Treatment of Loose Shoulder
- The femoral head lesion in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Investigation by microangiography and histology.:Investigation by Microangiography and Histology
- A Study on Rotational Movement of the Humerus
- Report of a case of pseudo-pseudo-hypoparathyroidism.
- Results of percutaneous pinning method for the factured distal radius.
- Prognosis in traumatic dislocations of the shoulder. - Discussion on the cases of hospitalization.:Discussion on the Cases of Hospitalization
- A Follow up Study of Osteosynthesized Scaphoid Fractures Located in the Proximal One Third.
- Bone Mineral Content in Hemodialysis Patients. (1). Measurement by QCT and DIP.:Measurement by QCT and DIP