名古屋市立大学 薬学研究科 | 論文
- カタプレス散の配合変化
- キャベジン-Uコーワの配合変化
- Evaluation of Quantitative PCR Methods for Genetically Modified Maize (MON863, NK603, TC1507 and T25)
- Optical Detection of Specific Genes for Genetically Modified Soybean and Maize Using Multiplex PCR Coupled with Primer Extension on a Plastic Plate
- Real-Time PCR Method Using Capturing Oligo-Immobilized PCR Tubes to Determine the Specific Gene for Soybean and Genetically Modified Soybean in Food Matrices
- Specific Detection of Buckwheat Residues in Processed Foods by Polymerase Chain Reaction
- 年会とシンポジウムの行方(年会のあり方をめぐって-年会を部会制にし, 総会を数年おきにしては-)
- 「文部省科学研究費申請と配分の問題点」のパネルを読んで-その3
- 薬学教育のシステム化と高度化(日本の薬剤師像を明るくするもの)
- Effective induction of oral anaphylaxis to ovalbumin in mice sensitized by feeding of the antigen with aid of oil emulsion and salicylate