北陸大・薬 | 論文
- 28a-YR-9 強弾性体GdP_5O_14の分域境界構造のAFM観察
- 1p-A-6 STM及びAFMによる強弾性体MP_5O_(M:La-Tb)の分域構造の観察
- 2p-TD-2 ESRイメージング装置とアラニン等ESRイメージングプレートの開発
- 2a-L-10 LaNbO_4単結晶の高温相のESR結晶解析
- 31a-L-2 ESR誘電体共振器の試作と応用
- 4a-B3-2 X(H_2O)_6SiF_6(X:Mg,Ni・・・・)の構造相転移
- 4a-B3-1 強誘電不整合相の電場・応力効果とランダウー石橋理論による解析
- Hydrolytic Cleavage of Pyroglutamyl-peptide Bond. V. Selective Removal of Pyroglutamic Acid from Biologically Active Pyroglutamylpeptides in High Concentrations of Aqueous Methanesulfonic Acid
- Isolation and Structure Determination of [Ile^7]- and [Ser^2]-Polymyxin B_1
- Antimicrobial Activity of Polymyxin B_3 Analogs modified at the Hydrophobic Amino Acids
- HPLC Analysis of Fatty Acyl-Glycine in the Aqueous Methanesulfonic Acid Hydrolysates of N-Terminally Fatty Acylated Peptides(Analytical Biochemistry)
- HPLC Analysis of Fatty Acylglycine in the Hydrolysates of N-Terminally Blocked Peptides by Fatty Acids
- Regioselective Hydrolytic Cleavage of N-Terminal Myristoyl-peptide
- Regioselective Hydrolysis of Formyl-peptide in Aqueous Methanesulfonic Acid
- Enzymatic Degradation of Rabbit Neuromedin U-25 Related Peptides
- カンナビノイドの代謝的活性化とシトクロムP450分子種
- 肝ミクロソーム膜G-6-Pase活性に及ぼす過酸化脂質分解産物の影響
- Effects of Lipid Peroxidation on Surface Charge Density of the Porcine Intestinal Brush-Border Membranes
- Changes in Surface Charge Density of Lecithin Liposomes by Lipid Peroxidation. A Fluorescence Study with 8-Anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate
- Antioxidant Effect of Vitamin K Homologues on Ascorbic Acid/Fe^-induced Lipid Peroxidation of Lecithin Liposomes