京都大学 医学研究科循環器外科 | 論文
- Nonuniformity of Sarcomere Shortenings in the Isolated Rat Ventricular Myocyte
- Controlled Release of Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 Plasmid DNA Prevents Left Ventricular Remodeling in Chronic Myocardial Infarction of Rats
- Fabrication of three-dimensional cell scaffolds with spatial gradients of biomolecules
- 4 Endovascular Repair with the Inoue Stentgraft for Abdominal and Thoracoabdominal Aortic Aneurysms(Stent-graft for Aortic aneurysms and Dissections:results of clinical application, indication, recent advancement, and future perspective,Meet the Expert 2
- A Novel Approach to Therapeutic Angiogenesis for Patients With Critical Limb Ischemia by Sustained Release of Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor Using Biodegradable Gelatin Hydrogel : An Initial Report of the Phase I-IIa Study
- 4 Control-release of MMP-1 Plasmid DNA Improved Contractility and Altered Na/Ca Exchange of Cardiomyocytes Isolated from Rat Chronic Myocardial Infarction Heart(The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 6 Clinical Trials for Ischemic Hearts and Limbs Using Control-released Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor(Clinical Trials of Regeneration Therapy in Japan, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- 4 Towards New Era for Regenerative Medicine in Cardiovascular Area(Regeneration Therapy Using Tissue Engineering, The 71st Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- Sustained-Release Erythropoietin Ameliorates Cardiac Function in Infarcted Rat-Heart Without Inducing Polycythemia
- Control-Release of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Enhances the Efficacy of Skeletal Myoblast Transplantation in Chronic Myocardial Ischemia Model (Vasoactive Compound/Growth Factor/Cytokine 2 (H), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulati
- Therapeutic angiogenesis by the controlled release of basic fibroblast growth factor for ischemic limb and heart injury : toward safety and minimal invasiveness
- Delivery Route in Bone Marrow Cell Transplantation Should be Optimized According to the Etiology of Heart Disease
- Repeated Implantation is a More Effective Cell Delivery Method in Skeletal Myoblast Transplantation for Rat Myocardial Infarction
- Transplanted Skeletal Myoblasts Can Fully Replace the Infarcted Myocardium and Reverse Left Ventricular Remodeling
- Control-Released Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) Prevents Myocardial Fibrosis in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats
- OJ-210 Developing More Effective Surgery for "tough" Atrial Fibrillation (Af) with Large Left Atrial Diameter (LAD) and Long-term Duration(Arrhythmia, therapy-4 (A) OJ35,Oral Presentation (Japanese),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Ja
- Evidence of Local Aldosterone Production in Patients with Left Ventricular Remodeling : Analysis of Pericardial Fluid at Open Heart Surgery(Heart Failure, Clinical 13 (M), The 69th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Society)
- PE-577 Reevaluation of β-adrenergic Regulation of Na^+-Ca^ Exchange in Mammalian Ventricular Myocytes(Excitation-contraction coupling/Ion channel-1 (A) PE100,Poster Session (English),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circu
- 5 New Therapeutic Strategy for Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation : Repairing and protecting LV(New Diagnostic and Therapeutic Strategies for Ischemic Mitral Regurgitation,ACC-JCS Joint Symposium (JS1) (IHD),The 70th Anniversary Annual Scientific Meeting of th
- 5 Toward Integrated and Potent Treatment for End-stage Congestive Heart Failure by Adding Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy (CRT) to Foregoing Methods(Comprehensive Treatment Centered on Biventricular Resynchronization Therapy,Plenary Session 5 (PL5) (A),