インド | 論文
- Spirometric Measurements among Quartz Stone Ex-workers of Gujarat, India
- Membranous glomerulonephritis in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis : a rare association
- Identification of Copper-Zinc Superoxide Dismutase Gene from Enteroaggregative Escherichia coli
- Supratrochlear foramen of the humerus
- In Vitro and in Vivo Antimicrobial Action of Tea : The Commonest Beverage of Asia(Miscellaneous)
- Molecular genetic analyses of β-thalassemia in South India reveals rare mutations in the β-globin gene
- Sclerokeratitis in Takayasu's Arteritis : A Case Report
- Reversal of Fibrogenic Events in Liver by Emblica officinalis (Fruit), an Indian Natural Drug(Pharmacology)
- Synthesis and Pharmacological Activities of Hydrazones, Schiff and Mannich Bases of Isatin Derivatives
- 木片についた血痕からの種属およびABO型の決定〔英文〕
- 結核菌の突然変異原としての可能性についての実験用マウスを使った試験〔英文〕
- Changes in Rat Alveolar Macrophageal Antioxidant Defense and Reactive Oxygen Species Release by High Dietary Vitamin E
- Cytotoxicity, Anti-tumor Activity, Cumulative Skin Irritation and Sensitization Study of 5-Fluorouracil from a Transdermal Patch for Dalton's Lymphoma Ascites Cells
- Inquiry into Occurrence of Byssinosis in Jute Mill Workers
- 宇宙線日変化と惑星間空間磁場 : 宇宙線
- Development and Validation of Liquid Chromatographic and UV Derivative Spectrophotometric Methods for the Determination of Famciclovir in Pharmaceutical Dosage Forms