Song Guo-Zhang | Department of Botany, National Taiwan University
Department of Botany, National Taiwan University | 論文
- A Recombinant Rice 16.9-kDa Heat Shock Protein Can Provide Thermoprotection in Vitro : ENVIRONMENTAL AND STRESS RESPONSES : GENE STRUCTURE AND EXPRESSION
- Immunological Kinship of Class I Low Molecular Weight Heat Shock Proteins and Themostabilization of Soluble Proteins in Vitro among Plants
- A DEAD-Box Protein, AtRH36, is Essential for Female Gametophyte Development and is Involved in rRNA Biogenesis in Arabidopsis
- Solute Leakage in Soybean Seedlings under Various Heat Shock Regimes
- Binding Affinity of T7 RNA Polymerase to its Promoter in the Supercoiled and Linearized DNA Templates