OKADA Hidehiko | Research and Development Center, Toshiba Corp.
OKADA Hidehiko
Department of physics, Tokyo Institute of Technology
OKADA Hidehiko
Research and Development Center, Toshiba Corp.
Okada Hidehiko
Department Of Oral Molecular Pharmacology Nihon University School Of Dentistry At Matsudo
OKADA Hidehiko
Department of Physics, Tokyo University
Faculty of Engineering, Yamanashi University
Munehisa Tomo
Faculty Of Engineering University Of Yamanashi
Kanasugi Hirotaka
Department Of Physics Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, Theoretical Division
KATO Kiyoshi
Department of Cosmosciences, Hokkaido University
Okada Hidehiko
Department of Thoracic Surgery, Chest Diseases Research Institute, Kyoto University
- The Perturbative QCD and the e^+e^- Single Particle Inclusive Reaction
- Applications of Cut Vertex Method to Parity Violating Processes
- Two-Loop Anomalous Dimensions of Timelike Cut Vertices and Scaling Violation of Fragmentation Functions in QCD
- Strings at High and Low Temperatures : Particles and Fields
- Systematic Treatment of General Time-Dependent Harmonic Oscillator in Classical and Quantum Mechanics
- Thermodynamics of Open Bosonic Strings in Background Fields : Particles and Fields