員 智省 | Xi'an Institute of 0ptics and Precision Mechanics Academia Sinica
Xi'an Institute of 0ptics and Precision Mechanics Academia Sinica | 論文
- Improvement Method of Resolution of Flat Shadow Mask for 64cm Flat Square CPT
- The development of an Electron Gun for 64cm Color Picture Tube
- Low Temperature Poly-Si TFT with Metal Induced Crystallization of Amorphous Silicon at 440℃ (情報ディスプレイ--The 6th Asian Symposium on Information Display & Exhibition)
- Al-Based Electrodes for Large Size and High Resolution TFT AM-LCDs (情報ディスプレイ--The 6th Asian Symposium on Information Display & Exhibition)
- Low temperature poly-Si TFT with metal induced crystallization of amorphous silicon at 440℃