Kondoh Tatsuro | 長崎大学 医歯薬学研究科人類遺伝学
Kishino T
Department Of Pediatrics Nagasaki University School Of Medicine
Kondoh Tatsuro
長崎大学 医学部小児科
Kondoh Tatsuro
長崎大学 医歯薬学研究科人類遺伝学
Kondoh Tatsuro
長崎大学 看
Kondoh Tatsuro
東北大学 医学部遺伝病学分野
Niikawa Norio
長崎大学 医歯薬学総合研究科人類遺伝学
Niikawa N
The Research Institute Of Personalized Health Sciences Health Sciences University Of Hokkaido
Matsumoto Tadashi
Department Of Pediatrics Nagasaki University School Of Medicine
Yoshiura Koh-ichiro
長崎大学 医歯薬学総合研究科人類遺伝学
Yoshiura Koh‐ichiro
Jst‐sorst Kawaguchi Jpn
- Clinical manifestations in patients with SOS1 mutations range from Noonan syndrome to CFC syndrome
- A novel KCNQ4 one-base deletion in a large pedigree with hearing loss : implication for the genotype-phenotype correlation
- Functional analysis of PTPN11/SHP-2 mutants identified in Noonan syndrome and childhood leukemia
- Chromosomal localization, structure, single-nucleotide polymorphisms, and expression of the human H-protein gene of the glycine cleavage system (GCSH), a candidate gene for nonketotic hyperglycinemia
- PAX9 and TGFB3 are linked to susceptibility to nonsyndromic cleft lip with or without cleft palate in the Japanese : population-based and family-based candidate gene analyses
- The IHPK1 gene is disrupted at the 3p21. 31 breakpoint of t(3 ; 9) in a family with type 2 diabetes mellitus
- A catalog of 106 single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and 11 other types of variations in genes for transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) and its signaling pathway
- Molecular karyotyping in 17 patients and mutation screening in 41 patients with Kabuki syndrome.
- Probable Noonan syndrome in a boy without PTPN11 mutation, manifesting unusual complications.
- Mirror duplication of chromosome 21 with complete phenotype of Down syndrome.