Shimisu Hiroyuki | Department Of Neurosurgery Tokyo Metropolitan Neurological Hospital
Shimizu H
Epilepsy Research Project Tokyo Metropolitan Organization For Medical Research
Shimisu Hiroyuki
Department Of Neurosurgery Tokyo Metropolitan Neurological Hospital
Shimizu Hiroyuki
Department Of Neurosugery Tokyo Metropolitan Neurological Hospital
Shimizu Hiroyuki
Department Of Epidemiology And Preventive Medicine Gifu University School Of Medicine
Shimizu Hiroyuki
Department Of Biochemistry And Molecular Biology Center For Advanced Medical Technology Nippon Medic
Maehara Taketoshi
Neurosurgery Department Of Brain Medical Science Tokyo Medical And Dental University
ARAI Nobutaka
Department of Clinical Neuropathology, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute for Neuroscience
Arai Nobutaka
Department Of Clinical Neuropathology Tokyo Metropolitan Institute For Neuroscience
Shimizu Hiroyuki
Department Of Neurosurgery Faculty Of Medicine University Of Tokyo
Maehara Taketoshi
Department Of Neurosurgery Tokyo Medical And Dental University
- Usefulness of [^C]Methionine PET in the Diagnosis of Dysembryoplastic Neuroepithelial Tumor with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
- Surgical Indication for Refractory Childhood Epilepsy
- Surgical treatment of early-infantile epileptic encephalopathy with suppression-bursts associated with focal cortical dysplasia
- Surgical Treatment of a Case of Early Infantile Epileptic Encephalopathy with Suppression-Bursts Associated with Focal Cortical Dysplasia
- Study on surgical treatment of intractable childhood epilepsy
- II D6 Usefulness of C11-methionine PET in the diagnosis of benign tumors presenting with temporal lobe epilepsy
- Sleep spindles in human prefrontal cortex : an electrocorticographic study
- Startle Epilepsy with Infantile Hemiplegia: Report of Two Cases Improved by Surgery
- Theta oscillation in the human anterior cingulate cortex during all-night sleep : an electrocorticographic study
- Absence of sleep spindles in human medial and basal temporal lobes