杉村 泰教 | 小樽商科大学
- 研究発表第十二室(日本英文学会第68回大会報告)
- A Reconsideration of the Validity of Post-Structural Ecocriticism
- An Ecocritical Paradox : The Unrepresentable within Nature
- Gazes from Nature : Reading William Golding's "Miss Pulkinhorn"
- A Concealed Void in the World of Golding's The Double Tongue
- Difference versus Defilement in Golding's To the Ends of the Earth
- A Significance of Golding's Minor Novel The Scorpion God
- Psychic Tragedy amidst Farce in Golding's The Paper Men
- Illusional Reflection and Quasi-Religious Authority in Golding's Novels
- 『尖塔』に見る掟と享楽
- ゴールディング『自由落下』に見られる寸断された時間
- Mimesis, Illusion, and Illumination in Darkness Visible by William Golding
- 『テス』に見る象徴の固定と溶解(小樽商科大学創立80周年記念論集)
- 5. 『蝿の王』に見られる象徴と、その解体(研究発表第十室,日本英文学会第63回大会報告)
- God and Escalation of Guilt in the Novels of William Golding
- A Survey of Ecocritical Thinking from Marxism to Postmodernism