杉浦 衛 | Department of Pharmacy, Tokyo College of Pharmacy
杉浦 衛
Department of Pharmacy, Tokyo College of Pharmacy
杉浦 衛
Tokyo College Of Pharmacy
伊東 晃
Department of Biochemistry, Tokyo College of Pharmacy
伊東 晃
Department Of Pharmacy Tokyo College Of Pharmacy
佐々木 正憲
Niigata College Of Pharmacy
佐々木 正憲
Department of Pharmacy, Tokyo College of Pharmacy
鈴木 睦子
鈴木 睦子
Department of Pharmacy, Tokyo College of Pharmacy
佐々木 正憲
Department Of Pharmacology And Pharmacy Niigata College Of Pharmacy
足立 哲夫
Department of Pharmaceutics, Gifu Pharmaceutical University
平野 和行
Department Of Pharmaceutics Gifu Pharmaceutical University
平野 和行
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
杉浦 衛
Gifu Pharmaceutical University
平野 和行
Department Of Pharmacy Tokyo College Of Pharmacy
石川 正夫
下村 時子
伊藤 吉将
Department of Pharmacy, Gifu College of Pharmacy
石川 正夫
Department of Pharmacy, Tokyo College of Pharmacy
下村 時子
Department of Pharmacy, Tokyo College of Pharmacy
三木 一正
三木 一正
東京大学 消化器内科
織田 敏次
1st Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo
鈴木 宏
伊藤 吉将
Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kinki University
織田 敏次
沢木 〓二
織田 敏次
沢木 [シュン]二
First Department of Internal Medicine, Aichi Medical University
景山 浩充
Department of Pharmacy, Gifu College of Pharmacy
奥村 洋一
Department of Pharmacy, Gifu College of Pharmacy
渡辺 佳弘
Department of Pharmacy, Gifu College of Pharmacy
渡辺 佳弘
Department Of Pharmacy Gifu College Of Pharmacy
渡辺 義人
Department of Pharmacy, Gifu College of Pharmacy
- Characterization of Tissue-specific Isozyme of Alkaline Phosphatase from Human Placenta and Intestine
- A New Method for the Determination of Human Urinary Kallikrein Activity using an Immunoadsorption Technique
- Studies on Dextranase. VIII. Some Enzymatic Properties of Immobilized Dextranase from Brevibacterium fuscum var. dextranlyticum
- Studies on Dextranase. VII. The Kinetic Parameters of Brevibacterium fuscum Dextranase and Molecular Properties of the Digestion Products
- Studies on Dextranase. VI. Some Physicochemical Properties and Amino Acid Compositions of Dextranases from Brevibacterium fuscum var. dextranlyticum and Penicillium funiculosum IAM 7013
- Studies on Dextranase. IV. Immobilization of Dextranase from Penicillium funiculosum IAM 7013
- Studies on Dextranase. III. Action Patterns of Dextranase from Penicillium funiculosum on Substrate and Inhibition on Hydrolysis Reaction by Substrate Analogues
- Pharmaceutical Studies on Aminopeptidase from Aspergillus japonica. I
- Purification and Properties of Leucine Aminopeptidase from Aspegillus japonica. II
- Carrier Proteins in Human Fetal Serum : Bilirubin-Binding Abilities of Albumin, α-Fetoprotein and Ligandin
- Studies on β-Galactosidase. II. Purification of β-Galactosidase from Macrophomina phaseoli and Its Enzymatic Properties
- Studies on β-Galactosidase. I. Purification and Properties of β-Galactosidase I and II from Sclerotium tuliparum
- Two-step Enzyme Immunoassay for the Determination of Serum α-Fetoprotein