Higo Yakichi | Precision & Intelligence Laboratory Tokyo Inst. Of Tech.
Higo Yakichi
Precision & Intelligence Laboratory Tokyo Inst. Of Tech.
Precision and Intelligence Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Takashima Kazuki
Precision & Intelligence Laboratory Tokyo Inst. Of Tech.
高島 和希
SHIMOJO Masayuki
Precision and Intelligence Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology
HIGO Yakichi
Precision and Intelligence Laboratory, Tokyo Institute of Technology
SHIMOJO Masayuki
Presision and Intelligence Laboratory, Tokyo institute of Technology
Shimojo Masayuki
Presision And Intelligence Laboratory Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Yoshikawa Akihiko
Undergraduate Student Tokyo Institute Of Technology
Kimura Hisamichi
Institute For Material Research Tohoku University
- Fatigue Tests of Ni-P Amorphous Alloy Microcantilever Beams
- Molecular Dynamics Simulation of Crystallization in an Amorphous Metal during Shear Deformation
- Constant ΔΚ Fatigue Crack Growth Tests under Programmed Humidity Cycle Conditions-As a Tool to Evaluate the Effect of Humidity on Fatigue Crack Growth of Al-Li Alloys-
- OS6(4)-16(OS06W0425) The Fracture Toughness and Fatigue Properties of Micro Sized High Strength γ-TiAl
- OS6(3)-13(OS06W0415) Subtle Non-Newtonian Property Measurement of Micro Fluids Using Squeeze Flow Rheometry
- Influence of Environmental Conditions on the Fatigue Strength of Plastics
- Elastic Properties of Pd-Based Bulk Metallic Glasses Studied by Ultrasouond Spectroscopy